Covid-19 Cases & Deaths Dashboard (Jan 22-May 2)
As part of the MSBA 325 Final Project done on Covid-19 and its impact on the World, we have created a time-lapse interactive Covid-19 tracker dashboard containing the following sections:
- A map to show the total confirmed active cases and new cases based on the user’s selection. Every country contains a circular mark, which size is determined by the metric (# of cases) and color is a degradation of orange (9 steps).
- A side by side line+area chart for Cases and Death. With a dynamic label to show the total number increasing with time. This was done by combining a line chart with an area chart, using only one Axis (hiding the right one) to create the below effect.
- A side by side bar chart for Cases and Death. This part shows the top 10 countries with confirmed cases (total and new) and deaths (total and new). A Grand Total has also been added to these charts. A manual sort has been performed on this chart since the total number is by date (as of the max date May 2 2020).
- As for the dashboard parameters, we have added a drop-down to select between Total Cases or New Cases. In addition to the Date control that is used to add the animation to the dashboard and will show the progress of all the dashboard sections by date starting from January 22 till May 2 by default. The user can start from a different start point to monitor the progress.
Click on the below animated image to see the dashboard in action!
Data source: Global Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data (Johns Hopkins)