Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Pakistan’s Recent Inflation Issue

Pakistan finds itself among the growing list of nations grappling with an alarming surge in inflation rates, and this phenomenon is a complex interplay of multiple factors. The bar chart compellingly illustrates this rising trend. It underscores a disconcerting truth:...

Domestic violence is ALWAYS a no!

Sarah, a 20-year-old housewife, gets beaten up every time by her husband for not being able to cook, and she totally agrees that he has the right to do that. And there are many others like her! Violence against Women from their partners is one of the most widespread...

Salesperson Regional Allocation

  As part of the final project, it was interesting to see the regional allocation of the salesperson. The first visual shows how many visits to the client should be made for each region. The second visual shows the allocation of the salesperson according to...

Domestic Violence is Never Justified

There is a memory that I can never forget, every Saturday morning when I used to wake up at my parents' house, the first thing I saw was our neighbor Mrs. Karen and my mother having coffee. What’s so special about that right? In fact, what I couldn’t forget were the...

3D RFM Visual Clustered into Priority

It was a nice experience to see how clients categorized via RFM (Recency, Frequency, Money). It showed us where we need to focus our attention and really helped prioritize which clients needed attention.

Saving Little Lives

In the least developed countries across the world, balancing the number of newborn and the unfortunate number of infants who pass away remains a challenge. These regions often face the difficult challenge of high birth rates, which contribute to an explosive...

Save Your Children From HIV

Unfortunately, there is a high number of children, between ages 0 and 14, living with HIV.  This disease in children manifests in health conditions that stem from impaired immunity. The children that have this disease are unable to fight microbes. As a result, they...

Women’s Rights and Safety

In many countries, women are yet to earn their rights and safety. As parliamentary seats are directly related to a society's acceptance of equal gender rights, would more women in power help establish such equality?

Carbon Dioxide Damage in Lebanon and MENA Region

Introduction: Carbon emissions has always been a main driver behind the increased air pollution in different countries. These emissions are dangerous on the human wellbeing and on the nature\earth and specifically, the MENA Region Carbon Dioxide Damages have increased...

Resilience in Crisis: A Tale of Two Nations

In the wake of economic crises that shook nations, Lebanon in 2019 and Greece in 2010 faced turbulent times. Both crises were rooted in corruption, leading to drastic declines in GDP growth. However, the divergent paths they took in managing their public health...
Exposing Thyroid Diseases

Exposing Thyroid Diseases

In the quiet corridors of our family history, a common threat is spreading across generations: thyroid diseases; which are a whispered secret, passed down from mothers to daughters, as if it is a legacy of hormonal imbalances that affect our entire life. But as I...

Air Pollution: A Harsh Breath to Reality

Air Pollution: A Harsh Breath to Reality

My Personal Experience It’s been for 5 years in my life that I live in a country where is located in Mediterranean coast and I felt a paramount difference in quality of life in the sense of what you breathe into your body and lungs. All my life until reach 18 years...

Silent Suffering: Unveiling the Darkness of Bullying

Silent Suffering: Unveiling the Darkness of Bullying

Recognizing the Issue Imagine being a young teenager, just trying to navigate the ups and downs of growing up. Now picture facing daily taunts, threats, and even physical harm from your peers. This is the harsh reality for many adolescents and pre-adolescents who fall...

The Social Media Reality: A Mentally Depressing One?

The Social Media Reality: A Mentally Depressing One?

My Teenage Years Throughout my childhood and teenage years, social media played a pivotal role in my life. It controlled how I think, what I do, and who I am friends with. I felt depressed and did not know why or how to stop it. As a young teenager, I wanted to prove...

Population Clusters and Housing Deficit in Jordan

Population Clusters and Housing Deficit in Jordan

"Urbanization" is a problem that many countries suffer from. It led to drastic demographic changes that led to negative effects in terms of political , social , and economical aspects. Many governments struggle to solve the issue of high density populated area and...

Healthcare Challenges in Nigeria: A Call for Action

Healthcare Challenges in Nigeria: A Call for Action

Imagine waking up every day gripped by the fear of succumbing to poor healthcare, a result of your country's negligence. Chukwudi, a 10-year-old Nigerian battling HIV in a nation with the world's highest mortality rate (164.24/1000 people). Is his fear justified? And...