Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Expenditure on Education: How it affects people’s lives generally & women specifically

Expenditure on Education: How it affects people’s lives generally & women specifically

If countries really manage to raise their education expenditures, how other indicators related to people’s lives generally and women specifically would be affected?

Women Still Justify Husband’s Beating

Women Still Justify Husband’s Beating

Women all around the world are constantly fighting for their rights, whether to earn an equal wage, to be educated, or simply to live free from violence and discrimination. But many women and girls are still unaware of their rights and some are even justifying the husband’s beating.

Race of the giants

Race of the giants

With China’s economic rise threatening the US, the rivalry between the two countries is at its peak; political tensions, trade wars, military maneuvers,…I will visualize in this post the shift of the economic power from the West towards the east, a shift that is undermining the US monopoly on world power, changing the world as we know it.


A Correlation between Share of Population that Use Internet and GDP per Capita (PPP, 2019)

A Correlation between Share of Population that Use Internet and GDP per Capita (PPP, 2019)

It is important to continuously pursue equality among populations and improve standards of livings. However, the pandemic has hindered our progress towards a more sustainable standard of living. Approximately 150 million people will be pushed into poverty in 2021 due to the pandemic. The pandemic has already pushed 88 million to 115 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.

While short-term solutions are important, long-term solutions are key to continuous sustainability. There is a clear correlation between the share of a population that use internet and GDP per capita. Policy makers should consider providing easy accessibility to the internet for its benefits which include, easy access to free education, work and connections.

Although the relationship is a correlation and not a causality, there still remains a conceptual understanding that investing into people will allow them to grow and invest back into their country’s economy. Accessibility to the internet can be a long-term solution towards sustainability!

Education For All

Education For All

Children and young adults living in low and lower middle income countries are less likely to exercise their right of education and advance from primary to secondary then to tertiary school compared to young adults in higher income countries.
In fact, school enrollment decreases significantly from 83% in primary to 8.6% in tertiary school. Based on thorough exploratory analysis, factors affecting low school enrollment rates in lower income countries include governments’ low expenditure on secondary and tertiary education, in addition to high pupil-to-teacher ratios. On average, low income governments spend 50% less on secondary education compared to primary. Moreover, these countries have 165% more students in classes compared to high income countries; thus, students do not receive sufficient attention to be able to fully understand key concepts which causes frustration among students thus drop outs.
Lower income countries are urged to look into better education expenditure distribution among educational levels, and to prioritize hiring more teachers in order to provide education and secure brighter futures for all children and young adults.