Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Putting an end to child marriage

Putting an end to child marriage

“Transformation is often more about unlearning than learning”. – Rohr R.

As communities still follow their traditions and norms instead of educating themselves about the harms of child marriage, it continues to pose a threat to future generations to this day. Several factors shown in the dashboard can act as indicators for us to know in which countries this issue still persists. We used tableau to analyze these indicators by country and were surprised with the extent to which this issue is still present to this day and the lack of awareness about it. From our data, we categorized the indicators that are prevalent in our Country and discussed them with Lebanese activists (Mr Joe Maalouf, journalist – Ms. Hayat Mirshad, Head of communication and campaigning at RDFL). We were then able to come up with a clear picture of how the child marriage situation is in Lebanon; and accordingly, came up with solutions to reduce it.

In order to ultimately end child marriage, awareness should be raised to change cultural beliefs and norms.

It is time to put an end to child marriage!

Gender Inequality in numbers

Gender Inequality in numbers

Although females have high education level, unemployment among females still strikes high

How does the gender equality rating affect GDP growth?

In what countries do laws penalize harassment at work?

Female and male participation in the labor force show major differences among them


Access to education for males vs females

Ease of mobility for women across countries

Women in the workplace who are promoted to top managers

Covid-19 impact on Pollution

Covid-19 impact on Pollution

We all heard that Covid-19 pandemic lock down has some positive impacts on earth. We did a project studying the impacts of Covid-19 on stock market, healthcare sector, flights, and Pollution. The visualization below shows NO2 levels in different continents before and after Covid-19.There was a decrease of NO2 levels in some continents due to lockdown(the factories closing, less pollutants emissions from cars, flights, etc.)

The variation of imports and exports in Lebanon over the last 30 years

The variation of imports and exports in Lebanon over the last 30 years

The devaluation in the Lebanese currency has risen as Lebanon is suffering from the most severe economic problem since the civil war. As we know, Lebanon has huge depts. which forms over 150% of the national GDP, the third highest in the world. Adding to it, the gap between the exports and the imports of good and services in Lebanon which is widening in the recent years. Knowing that the Central Bank is providing 85% dollars for commodity imports, the US dollar is becoming scarce in the market. I can say that boosting the current economic downturn would require us to BUY Lebanese products.