Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Women’s Attitude towards Domestic Violence

Women’s Attitude towards Domestic Violence

“I didn’t know it was abuse until I nearly died!
Those were the words of Sarah stark. She was seriously abused by her husband until she decided to break up with him and press charges.
As a proud father of a 1 year old baby girl, tackling this subject became a personal objective.
This dashboard sheds the light on domestic violence against women. It is an epidemic that knows no boundaries and it is getting more and more dangerous by the fact that those women tend to acknowledge and justify their partner’s behavior. Finally it shows the importance of education for both men and women and how it helps in solving the issue ,spreading awareness and trying to change women response and help-seeking behavior.

Early Marriage and its Effect

Early Marriage and its Effect

Children across the world and especially girls are being forced to getting married at a very early age. This would definitely destroy their dreams, childhood and future.

In the following dashboard we will be able to see who are the children that are suffering from this tragedy, its effect on the relationships and how this is evolving through the years.

Women Still Justify Husband’s Beating

Women Still Justify Husband’s Beating

Women all around the world are constantly fighting for their rights, whether to earn an equal wage, to be educated, or simply to live free from violence and discrimination. But many women and girls are still unaware of their rights and some are even justifying the husband’s beating.

The Gender Pay Gap

The Gender Pay Gap

“I asked to be paid fairly and I was fired.”

Six years ago, I found out that I was being underpaid in comparison to my male colleagues. I asked to be paid fairly and I was fired!


In 21st century, women are still paid less than men. On average, women earn 82 cents for every dollar paid to men. But the gap is much wider for women of color. Black women make just 62 cents, Native American women 57 cents, and Latinas 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men.

The gender gap pay is a global problem. The map below highlights this gender pay gap across countries.

However, being underpaid does not automatically make you a victim. It is an alert to stop being one. Most women who have discovered unequal pay have stood up for themselves, paving way for other women in their company. Thus, women have to keep asking for fair pay. Why? Because men do not hesitate to ask.

In these unprecedented times, we have an opportunity to rethink and rebuild the systems that keep women from achieving economic security and success. Together, we can demand equity and respect for every woman moving forward — regardless of her job or her zip code — and finally make the pay gap a thing of the past.

Children Out of School: Some Insights

Children Out of School: Some Insights

According to UNESCO, about 258 million children and youth are out of school for the school year ending in 2018. The total includes 59 million children of primary school age, 62 million of lower secondary school age and 138 million of upper secondary age. This is a major humanitarian challenge that all countries have united to address by anchoring it within SDG number 4: Quality Education.

Every Child deserves the opportunity to learn. In this Dashboard, we tried to show visualizations that highlight the reality behind Children Out Of School.

Poverty is a barrier that keeps children out of schools.

The gap between males and females attending schools was equal to 14% in 1970 and decreased to reach 2% in 2018. For girls in some part of this world, education chances are still restricted.

Data Source: World Bank Data