Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Education attainment, a leading cause in rise of student suicide

Education attainment, a leading cause in rise of student suicide

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in student suicides.

The reasons are numerous ranging from:
1. The challenge of remote learning including its impact on grades
2. Students trying to socialize from their bedrooms instead of enjoying normal on-campus activities.

However, suicide among college students was always present even before the pandemic and it is imperative to mitigate its impact.

Schools and universities should:

-Spread suicide awareness and prevention campaign to eliminate its stigmatization.

-Launch counseling program that offers therapy for people in need.

-Consider modifying the educational system to reduce stress among students.

Children Rights In the Arab World

Children Rights In the Arab World

The Arab world is considered one of the most youthful regions in the world. More than half (54%) of the total population are aged below 25 compared to 48% for the rest of the world. Given the important contribution adolescents and children will have in securing their countries’ future, it is necessary to monitor their social, mental and health situation. For that purpose, this study will be considering two indicators: adolescent’s fertility rate and the percentage of children out of school. The first reflects the overall situation of young females concerning child marriage and the second reflects the access to education for the countries belonging to the Arab League.

By monitoring adolescent’s fertility rate for the past 60 years, it is noticed that the overall situation improved significantly and approached the average world trend going from 134 to 46 birth per 1000 for women aged 15 to 19 in the last 60 years. The situation is nevertheless not the same for all Arab states as countries like Somalia and Mauritania still present critically high rates.

On the other hand, despite the decrease in the percentage of children out of school from 43% until 14% in the last 60 years, the figures remain higher than the world average (8% in 2020) which marks a critical condition for the access to education. Looking at each individual state, we notice a significant discrepancy between countries like Sudan at 42% children out of school and Oman at nearly 1%.

Throughout our work, we found that the situation is not the same for all children and adolescents in the Arab world as their situation is still vulnerable in countries like Sudan and Mauritania due to limited access to education and high percentages of child marriage (adolescent’s fertility). It is therefore essential for associations like Himaya or Kafa to intervene in such countries to improve children’s and adolescents social and physical wellbeing.

Suicide, The Forgotten Pandemic

Suicide, The Forgotten Pandemic

Suicide is an act that is against the human’s instinct. As living creatures, we are built to survive no matter how hard the circumstances are. But if so, then how does some people do such an act, which is completely against our human nature? Many factors can lead to someone committing such a terrible act, such as cultural, family and social situations, genetics, experiences of trauma or loss, and most importantly nihilism and the absurdity of life. In the following dashboard, we will be highlighting the countries that present the highest suicide rate, while also focusing on the “why” these countries do have such a high rate. We will also provide some solutions to this problem.

Guyana Is Dying!

Guyana Is Dying!

Dear Communities,

Save Guyana!

Since 2000 Guyana is witnessing an increase in number of suicides. This increase should grab communities attention to work hard on reducing this rate. We have to instill hope again in every home in Guyana.

Reasons of Suicide in Europe and Africa

Reasons of Suicide in Europe and Africa

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. Each year approximately one million people die from suicide. In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. This visualizations are part of a research project to identify the reasons of high suicide in Africa and Europe followed recommendations. This two map visualizations represent the names of the highest countries with suicide rate on the maps. The reasons of high suicide in Africa is high spread of lethal deceases like AIDS/HIV (and lack of proper health systems. Represented in one of the graphs, the HIV/AIDS rates of Africa Countries are in the graph were the blue bars of the graph represent countries with highest suicide. In another graph, data showed that post Soviet Union countries have higher suicide rate than other European countries. Also, the European countries where there is high substance use , the suicide rates rises. It is shown in the graph that countries which are in blue, the ones with highest suicide and very high in substance use.