Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

China’s Greenhouse Gas Surge: A Climate Challenge

China’s Greenhouse Gas Surge: A Climate Challenge

Addressing the global challenge of greenhouse gas emissions is imperative, with gases like CO2, CH4, and N2O significantly impacting our environment. These gas trap heat, contributing to global warming and climate change, with consequences extending to poor air quality, health issues, and disruptions in temperature and precipitation patterns.

Why address the issue in China specifically?

The focus on China is crucial as it plays a pivotal role in this challenge, contributing 27% of global CO2 emissions and one-third of the world’s greenhouse gases. These compelling statistics, sourced from a recent World Bank report, emphasize the urgency of recognizing and addressing China’s role. Crafting effective global strategies for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions requires a nuanced understanding of China’s significant impact on this critical issue.



The below line chart illustrates China’s greenhouse gas emissions in kilotons of CO2 equivalent from 2005 to 2020. The graph depicts a consistent upward trend, starting at nearly 7.3 million kt in 2005 and reaching 13 million kt in 2020


The following map offers a comparative analysis of greenhouse gas emissions between China and other nations in 2020. The stark contrast is evident, with China recording almost 13 million kt, while Russia stands at 2.3 million kt, Brazil at 1.6 million kt, the USA at 5.5 million kt, and Canada at 6.7 million kt. These figures underscore the alarming magnitude of the issue emanating from China.

Contributing Factors to China’s Environmental Impact:

1) China as Global Manufacturer: As the world’s largest manufacturer, China’s robust industry and escalating energy demand significantly contribute to emissions. Fossil fuel combustion for energy production and manufacturing processes plays a central role in the nation’s substantial carbon footprint.

2) Agricultural Impact: Methane emissions from livestock and rice paddies contribute significantly to the intricate landscape of greenhouse gas sources.

3) Urbanization and Infrastructure Development: The construction and operation of buildings, roads, and transportation systems play a role in the environmental challenge.

4) Consumption Patterns: China’s growing middle class and consumer culture contribute to increased demand for goods, impacting production-related emissions.
The lifestyle choices and consumption patterns of the population contribute to the overall carbon footprint.

Comprehensive Solutions for a Sustainable Future:

1) Renewable Energy Transition: Transitioning to renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power, is crucial for reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating emissions.

2) Energy Efficiency Measures: Implementing energy-efficient technologies across industries minimizes emissions in transportation, manufacturing, and construction.

3) Circular Economy Practices: Encouraging a circular economy reduces waste and promotes the reuse and recycling of materials, fostering sustainability.

4) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Investing in CCS technologies captures and stores carbon emissions from industries, playing a key role in emission reduction.

5) Global Collaboration: Collaborating globally on research and technology sharing strengthens efforts to combat climate change effectively.

Final Thoughts:

The urgency to address this challenge is not just a national responsibility but a global imperative. By adopting sustainable practices, embracing clean technologies, and fostering international collaboration, we can collectively steer the trajectory towards a more environmentally resilient future.

Life On Land

Life On Land

Life on Land

Earth is our home, our planet is home to every lifeform we know, these come in all shapes and sizes, from the most unfamiliar one to the one that you see every day. Sometimes we don’t act always good for each others and we considered each others as predators and prey. But we share the same roof, the same air, the same planet and we depend on each other for food and sustainability especially because in the most cases we share our habitats in close proximity.

To survive we should maintain our plant rich in biodiversity. As we have needs as humans, the nature has it owns and we must be careful not to harm any animal nor plants because this will affect us directly. Why?
It will be clear by the life chain representation: Plants (Flora) -> Animals (Fauna) -> Humans

Unfortunately, more than 200 species go extinct, If we don’t act species like the Asian elephant, Siberians tiger will continue to vanish until they are gone. The First 4 Graphs in the Dashboard reflect the dangerous situation for both flora and fauna , the number of threatened species is increasing hugely from 2017 to 2018 for Birds (More than 2,000 new species), Plants(More than 2,000 new species), Mammals(More than 400 new species) and Fish(more than 1,000 new species).

Biodiversity start in the distant and points towards the future

Well I guess Frans Lanting quote is sufficient to understand the importance of biodiversity for our future existence.

We might ask ourselves what is the main reason, and I’d like to take this opportunity to think what humans did for animals and plants habitat? Protecting wildlife habitats? Of Course NOOOOOOOOO
let’s define first the net forest depletion : unit resource rents times the excess of roundwood harvest over natural growth. By examining the Net Forest Depletion graph in the dashboard this Indicator increased significantly in the world from 1971 (2,603,842,725) to reach its peak in 2019 (55,145,163,033). In addition the forecasted part confirm that we will reach a higher number in 2030, so the situation will get only worsened.

Let’s not forget that the number of threatened species in increasing hugely yearly and Approx. more than 200 new species are threatened each year and this damage is caused mainly by the unsustainable humans activities like forest depletion which they constitute the habitats for all animals and plants.

It’s never too late, Let’s build safe habitats for threatened animals (Zoo),adapt the afforestation and recycling and concerning the role of government in protecting the life on land it could be by imposing strict rules for causing any damage for animals and plants, also by reducing environmental pollution especially in the water and air.

We only have this one planet; we got to figure out how to live in it without destroying it.

Thank You