Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Road Safety In Lebanon

Road Safety In Lebanon

Do you know that at least one person dies per day as a result of a car crash in Lebanon? and that most probably this person’s ages between 5 and 29 years?

Roads are shared by various users with different levels of risk exposure between cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, pedestrians, and other travelers. Globally, road traffic crashes became one of the leading causes of death and, unfortunately, the number is rapidly increasing year after year. 

Besides the shared worldwide factors, Lebanon suffers from unsafe road infrastructure and inadequate traffic law enforcement, which makes road traffic deaths a more serious and critical problem. 

Every year around this time, during the festive season, an increase in road crashes is noticed in Lebanon. We, a team of Master’s in Business Analytics students at AUB, decided to address this problem, as part of our curriculum requirements, aiming to create an impact by raising social awareness and providing institutions that are keen about road safety with measurable and effective methodologies. 

We designed an interactive dashboard that highlights the effect that road traffic strategies applied around the world have on the frequency of crashes and compared it to the frequency in Lebanon. Also, the dashboard showcases some of the risk factors and their preventive procedures to help in limiting road traffic injuries. The proposed solutions are backed by visualizations performed on data published by the WHO on road traffic injuries. 

If you are interested in understanding the reasons associated with high road death rates in Lebanon, have a look into our dashboard and let us know what do you think below in the comments!

This was created by Sara Bou Hamdan, Nohra Chaghouri, Johny El Achkar, Sara Harba, and Ghina Koteich