Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Bridging the Electricity Divide with Portable Power Supply Stations – Welcome to Madagascar


A life without electricity. A world plunged into darkness, where everyday tasks become formidable challenges. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, electricity powers our lives, enabling us to connect, learn, and thrive. I Am Mazen Harb the founder and CEO of RenewaPower, and our mission is to establish a network of renewable portable power stations across Madagascar, addressing the energy deficit faced by millions of people. This by utilizing clean sources. To achieve our ambitious vision, we will adopt a comprehensive approach. The big Story Idea here is far beyond simply providing access to electricity. It is about transforming lives, fostering economic growth, and preserving the environment.

In the following figure (Figure 1.) we can drag our focus to the countries with the least accessibility to electricity in terms of population percentage. Our comprehensive analysis of global access to electricity shows that African nations face the greatest challenges in terms of population percentage lacking electricity connectivity. By zooming in on the most affected countries, this caption (Figure 2. and Figure 3.) emphasizes the lowest percentage of the population in African countries lacking access to electricity, including the addition of Seychelles for our later reference. The displayed heatmap indicates that there has been negligible progress in electricity accessibility among countries included in our study over a span of 10 years between 2011 and 2020

Contrasting Seychelles and Madagascar (Figure 4. and Figure 5.)

When we examine access to electricity, we find a significant disparity among African nations. In Seychelles, a small island nation blessed with abundant sunshine and breathtaking beaches, access to electricity is widespread, empowering its people and economy.

Seychelles’ geographical advantage has attracted tourists from around the world, fueling a vibrant tourism industry. This influx of visitors has created countless business opportunities, stimulated economic growth and improved the standard of living for its citizens. In contrast, just a short distance away lies Madagascar, a larger neighboring island with similar geographical features. However, the lack of access to electricity hampers its development potential. Without reliable electricity, Madagascar faces numerous challenges. Businesses struggle to operate efficiently, hampering economic growth. Education and healthcare are impacted, hindering progress, and limiting opportunities for its people.

Introducing our Portable Power Supply Stations

In response to this pressing issue, we are proud to introduce our revolutionary solution: Portable Power Supply Stations. These stations harness the power of renewable energy sources such as water, sunlight, and wind. Our stations can be easily deployed in any area, bringing electricity to remote regions and communities in need. By utilizing clean and sustainable energy, we aim to bridge the gap, empowering individuals and catalyzing development.

Brief Conclusion

Access to electricity is not just a luxury; it is a fundamental catalyst for progress. With our Portable Power Supply Stations, we can unlock the potential of communities, fostering economic growth, improving lives, and illuminating a brighter future for all. Together, let us bring light to the darkest corners and empower those who have been left in the shadows.