Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

From Crisis to Hope: Overcoming Infant Mortality in Lebanon

In a world where infant and neonatal mortality rates remain alarmingly high, We need to highlight this global problem and demand immediate attention specifically in Lebanon. Infant mortality rates are elevated worldwide, stemming from various causes, including complications during childbirth, infectious diseases, malnutrition, and limited healthcare access. Evidence showed that in Lebanon the highest number of deaths are infant and neonatal, therefore we need to implement the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to combat this issue and improve healthcare access for infants such as strengthening maternal and prenatal care, improving neonatal care to ensure the well-being of newborns, enhancing immunization programs to protect infants from preventable diseases and promoting breastfeeding continually by provide resources and guidance to mothers.  To test whether the strategies will be successful, we need to ensure that the data was collected and analyzed by the program’s end. Monitor infant mortality rates in Lebanon, assess healthcare access and utilization, and evaluate immunization coverage and breastfeeding rates. By implementing the mentioned strategies, the possibility of decreased infant and neonatal mortality will be 20% in Lebanon therefore in the world too, we feel that this demonstrates the success of our strategies and that we should not only continue to offer them but also expand our research and move forward and take it internationally.


The number of deaths around the world, with a particular focus on infant & neonatal deaths, is a significant concern , and Focusing on Lebanon for the year 2019-2021 the highest-rated deaths are infant & neonatal deaths.

 Problem Evidence:

Infant mortality rates remain high in many countries, indicating a pressing issue that requires attention. Statistics reveal that infants are particularly vulnerable to various causes of death, including complications during childbirth, infectious diseases, malnutrition, and lack of access to healthcare.

Potential Solution:

Implement comprehensive strategies to reduce infant mortality rates and improve healthcare access and outcomes for infants globally.

Solution Details:

  • Strengthen maternal and prenatal care: Enhance healthcare services for pregnant women, including regular check-ups, prenatal vitamins, and access to skilled birth attendants to ensure safe deliveries.
  • Improve neonatal care: Invest in neonatal intensive care units, equipment, and trained medical personnel to provide specialized care for newborns with critical conditions.
  • Enhance immunization programs: Develop and implement comprehensive immunization programs to protect infants from preventable diseases.
  • Promote breastfeeding: Educate and support mothers on the benefits of breastfeeding, ensuring access to resources and guidance for successful breastfeeding practices.
  • Improve nutrition interventions: Implement targeted nutrition programs to address malnutrition in infants, focusing on adequate breastfeeding, balanced diets, and nutrient supplementation.

Solution Validation:

  • Monitor infant mortality rates: Track and analyze infant & neonatal mortality rates globally and compare them with previous years to assess the effectiveness of implemented interventions.
  • Evaluate healthcare access and utilization: Assess the availability, accessibility, and utilization of healthcare services by mothers and infants to ensure equitable access and identify areas for improvement.
  • Monitor immunization coverage: Measure and monitor the coverage and effectiveness of immunization programs to determine their impact on reducing infant & neonatal deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Measure breastfeeding rates: Monitor and evaluate breastfeeding rates to determine the success of efforts in promoting breastfeeding practices and improving infant nutrition.


  • Strengthen health systems: Invest in healthcare infrastructure, train healthcare professionals, and ensure access to essential medicines and medical equipment.
  • Increase education and awareness: Conduct campaigns to educate communities, particularly mothers and caregivers, about the importance of prenatal and neonatal care, immunization, breastfeeding, and nutrition.
  • Foster partnerships: Collaborate with international organizations, governments, and NGOs to leverage resources, expertise, and best practices for reducing infant mortality rates globally.
  • Collect and analyze data: Establish robust data collection systems to gather accurate and timely information on infant & neonatal deaths and their causes, enabling evidence-based decision-making.