Relating GDP & R&D to Mortality Rate In Our World
Diseases have always been a main driver behind the increase in mortality rate at a global stage with variations in its indulgence and impact among different countries. Many of these diseases are chronic, incurable diseases such as: cancer, diabetes and many more that are widely spread and and is considered lethal.
Data and statistics proved the correctness of our statement as it was evident that there is a considerable variation among different countries when comparing the data trend of how mortality rate due to diseases (CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD) fluctuated over time across many countries worldwide. The data was collected from people ageing between 30 and 70 to make sure the data collected was relevant. For simplification, I chose two countries (Lebanon and Germany) to compare how they performed over time in this certain aspect. The result was a considerable drop in the mortality rate due to such diseases in Germany (from 16.1% to 12.1%) compared to Lebanon that showed almost a neutral change over time (from 20.2% to 19.9%). This was reflected by a constantly higher life expectancy at birth in Germany as compared to Lebanon.
After analyzing the collected data from different perspectives, we were able to draw conclusions about certain factors that might have impacted and influenced this variation in the data trend between the two countries. Among these multiple factors were the R&D expenditure (as a % of GDP) and the GDP per capita (in current US$). After visualizing how these two aspects varied over time in the two mentioned countries, we noticed that Germany invested incrementally in developing its R&D over time compared to Lebanon that had no records in this area. This investment in R&D results in technological advancement that promotes and enhances many areas including the health sector and medications. Here, Germany has achieved a lot of improvement that in return guarantees a better healthcare system and environment as well. As for the GDP per capita, Germany has also evolved and elevated greatly (from $2,761 to $46,253) compared to Lebanon that scored very low in GDP per capita growth (from $1,234 to $4,650). This explains Germany’s much greater capacity and ability to undertake such R&D projects and investments which ultimately leads to better and healthier ways of living and hence, drives a drop in the mortality rate over time caused by such diseases.
For countries scoring very low in GDP such as Lebanon, it is recommended to look for other ways to fund such R&D projects in order to bring a change and enhance the living standards and environment and have a better control over such diseases.