Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Elevating Excellence: Unveiling Opportunities to Boost Our University’s Ranking

Elevating Excellence: Unveiling Opportunities to Boost Our University’s Ranking


When we dive into the world of university rankings, what thoughts spark in your minds? Are those numbers silent spectators, or do they whisper stories of achievement and potential?

Picture MIT, the pinnacle of global academia, proudly holding the first position worldwide in the QS ranking system. Followed closely by the prestigious University of Cambridge and the esteemed University of Oxford at second and third places.

Now, where does our pride, AUB, stand? Surprisingly, it finds itself at 226 globally. Have you ever wondered why we proudly lead in Lebanon yet find ourselves at number 4 in the Middle East and even further down the global ranking ladder?

As we delve deeper, recognise that AUB’s ranking, particularly in comparison to institutions with a similar budget, motivates us for real change. The heartbeat of our institution, echoed by the resounding opinion of 94% of OSB students, underscores the significance of university rankings.

Think of how many students would choose AUB if it stood among the top 100 universities worldwide.
Is there a conceivable path for AUB to ascend into the top 100, and if so, how can we make that a reality? Today, we embark on a journey to unveil these secrets—what factors contribute to this ranking, and more importantly, how can we improve it?

Should we consider implementing additional policies, refining our tuition structure, or redirecting our funds for a more impactful outcome?If any of these questions has crossed your mind, you’re in the right place. Join us as we navigate through the narrative behind the numbers, unraveling mysteries and offering insights. So, grab your glasses, settle in, and let’s delve into the heart of the matter together.


Data Driven Excellence

As we strive to elevate AUB to new levels of excellence, we emphasize the importance of reliable data, recognizing its role as the foundation of truth. Our guide on this transformative path is the esteemed QS World University Rankings which holds a global reputation for reliability. 

QS carefully evaluates universities using a set of 9 metrics that determine the essence of academic excellence. 

Ready? Fantastic! Alright, let’s dive straight into the heart of our evaluation. Below is a bar chart illustrating how AUB performs across the indicators, with a comparison to the average.


Did you catch that? We’re below the average in international students (ISR), employer reputation (ER), international research (IR), academic reputation (AR) and citations per faculty (CPF). To turn our dream of reaching the top 100 into reality, let’s streamline our efforts. Instead of trying to improve everything at once, let’s focus on the crucial ones that truly shape our ranking. This targeted approach ensures we tackle the most impactful factors, making our journey more practical and achievable.

Now that we’ve identified our key areas for improvement—academic reputation, citations per faculty, and employer reputation——it’s time for the AUB community to come together and embark on the journey of transformation. What strategic actions should we implement to secure a spot among the top 100 universities globally?

Exploring Solutions   

“The ranking of AUB could be so much better, I feel like were putting so much effort in the wrong areas”

Academic Reputation:

A. Dynamic Curriculum Updates
Objective: Align AUB’s curriculum with evolving global industry trends and demands.

B. Diverse Learning Opportunities
Objective: Enhance learning opportunities through more industry trips, online degrees and diplomas, and dual degree programs.

C. Invest in Infrastructure and Technology
Objective: Elevate AUB’s educational and research capabilities by modernizing and maintaining campus infrastructure.

Citations Per Faculty

A. Postdoctoral Program Implementation:
Objective: Establish a dual-track Postdoc Program for teaching-focused and research-focused doctors, ensuring an impactful postdoctoral experience.

B. Enhanced Research Visibility
Objective: Increase the reach and impact of AUB’s research.

C. Strengthened Graduate Research Programs
Objective: Integrate research deeply into graduate studies.

Employer Reputation:

A- Improve the Career Center:
Objective: Bridge the gap between academia and business

B- Strengthen Collaboration with International Companies
Objective: Ensure that its programs remain aligned with international industry needs

C- Establish a FabLab
Objective: Collaborate on projects that are relevant to the industry while working on industry-relevant projects to ensure that graduates possess practical skills, showcasing their readiness for the workforce


How do we know our solution works?

Don’t you believe us? Still doubting? Well, consider this:

5 universities that made astonishing leaps in rankings—what we like to call the “jumpers”, focused on academic reputation, citations per faculty, and employer reputation, and the results were mind-blowing.

But hold on, we’re not done yet! If you’re still skeptical, check out Queensland University. Despite operating on a similar budget, it proudly ranked 43 worldwide

Yes, you read that right! Excellence is within reach, and we’re all revved up and ready to have our beloved AUB in the top 100.



Let’s work together to enhance AUB and take action to make it an even better university. Following our conversation with Professor Bijan Azad, we’ve identified academic reputation as a key area of focus. Professor Azad highlighted that we have the power to influence and improve our reputation. So, let’s collaborate to make AUB a place known for outstanding academics and a strong connection to various opportunities.

In conclusion, the journey begins with AUB’s commitment to enhancing its citations per faculty, a critical step that will undoubtedly elevate our academic reputation. As our academic standing soars, it will, in turn, enhance our employer reputation. This interconnected approach sets us firmly on the path toward realising our dream of securing a spot among the top 100 universities worldwide.


If you want to know more, contact us for the full report and join us in boosting AUB to the top 100 universities globally. Reach out to us at,, , or Your engagement and support are crucial to our shared mission.”

From Playgrounds to Parenthood

From Playgrounds to Parenthood

A group of us here at the UN development program are tasked with dealing with important issue of underage pregnancy in third world countries. Teenage pregnancies (14-15 years) have been drastically increasing across many underdeveloped countries. It seems teenagers in these countries hold the view that a successful future is one in which you have multiple children, forming a big family as early on in life as you can.  This leads to the unwanted issue that comes along early age pregnancy. Rising cases of sexual transmitted diseases and impoverished children who cannot be supported by a mother who is in turn being supported by a parent. So we thought what about implementing mandatory education programs across schools in third world countries? Can we influence their relationship decisions? We looked into the correlation of education programs and teenage pregnancy levels in other areas access the world. Level of education was compared to the number of pregnancies in girls aged 14 to 15 years. Interestingly enough we saw that teenage pregnancy rates are far lower in those countries with high education levels. Our goal was to then implement these education programs across developing countries that struggled most with underage pregnancy. We feel that this mandatory inclusion of sex education into all curriculums would be best suited to tackle the issue of rising teenage pregnancy.