Women Business and The Law Index
What is The Women Business and The Law Index?
Women’s underestimation and underrepresentation is a wide-spread phenomenon over the globe. With time, some countries worked on diminishing any type of discrimination between genders, while others fell-behind on this matrix. A special tool used to measure the degree of inequality is the Women’s Business and The Law Index, an index that consists of several political, social, and monetary indicators such as:
- Freedom of Movement
- Starting a job
- Getting paid
- Managing assets
- Getting Married
- Having children
- Managing a Business
- Getting a pension
The above-mentioned index scores each country based on its progression and standing in regards to the 8 indicators that cover almost all the angles of sustaining a proper life.
How Can Countries Improve Their Score?
Certain first-world countries such as the United States, Canada, and Western Europe have succeeded in increasing their Business and Law score for women by applying foundational rules and quotas.
Following by example, remaining countries can try implementing one or more of the following solutions:
– Establishing a quota on governmental representation
– Shedding light on women’s crucial role in the business world, as supported by many studies and experiments.
– Establish recruitment targets to select women candidates and support them to join/run a political party.