In 2021, Women’s Social, Economic, and Working conditions in the World are significantly improving. However, in some Arab Countries’ things remain Static. Lower participation rates of women in some Arab Parliaments is a key indicator that shows how Women are not involved in key decision-making roles in the country, which reflects on the overall condition of Women in that specific country. After Exploring Data from World Bank, we can notice the impact of Women in parliament advocating for laws, regulations, that result in better legal, social, and economic conditions for Women in Arab Countries. However, My focus here is not on the proportion of women in Parliament only, but rather on the Percentage increase on this rate that better reflects overall policies and changes done in that country in regards to women conditions.
During this Analysis, I am comparing the increase of Women Participation in Parliament in some Arab countries across 2 periods of time, from 2009-2014 and 2015-2020, and the possible effect that it has on Women Business Law Index, Labor Female participation, and the number of days for Women to open a Business in these countries.
As an example, between 2015-2019 Sudan had a higher proportion of women in parliament than in Saudi Arabia, However, the Women Business and Law index, and Labor Female Participation in Saudi Arabia were higher than the ones in Sudan.
Countries Like Saudi Arabia and UAE where they have witnessed a large increase in Women Participation in Parliament show a noticeable increase in these indices. whereas, countries like Algeria and Sudan show a slight increase in some, and Lebanon shows no increase in any.
In conclusion, Women participation in Parliament does affect positively Women Economic, social and legal conditions, However, this can not be possible to be achieved without solid and active Governments and organizations that has visions and programs implemented, as well as laws to further support and empower women on all aspects.