Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Slide on How to employ PWDs mentioning if accessibility tools and technology can help overcome the barrier
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity facilitating the workshop
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Simulation of an interview with a person with disability (Chimene Hadshity from ProAbled and Silvia Ekzarkova from AUB Office of student Affairs Career Services Department)
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity facilitating the workshop
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir facilitating the workshop, a slide about misconceptions
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and recruitment and career service officers at AUB in the training room
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
A slide about how to interact with PWDs
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir explaining a slide about ProAbled services
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and recruitment and career service officers at AUB in the training room
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity facilitating the workshop
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir facilitating the workshop, slide about HR challenges
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity facilitating the workshop
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity facilitating the workshop
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Recruitment and career service officers at AUB in the training room
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir facilitating the workshop, slide about why hiring PWDs
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir going over the agenda slide
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir facilitating the workshop, a slide about the words to avoid or use with PWDs
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Recruitment and career service officers at AUB in the training room
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity facilitating the workshop, slide about how to interact with a blind person
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir facilitating the workshop, slide about how to recruit PWDs
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Recruitment and career service officers at AUB in the training room
Inclusive Recruitment Workshop
Samer Sfeir and Chimene Hadshity – Trainers from ProAbled