By Hadil Izrafil | Staff Writer

Stress and anxiety rates among students are the highest they have ever been, as shown by a study conducted by Asif et al. (2020). The study has found that the respective frequencies of stress and anxiety among students are 84.4% and 88.4%. Pursuing a degree as a student and being bombarded with various tasks such as assignments, papers, projects, and exams are among the toughest things to handle. Students are often overwhelmed and left burnt out and unproductive enough to cope with these tasks. Additionally, balancing your college life with your social life is not easy and can be challenging. Self-care has become a student’s lowest priority, with many students preferring to study all night for an exam instead of getting a good night’s sleep. Moreover, most students think that self-care is hard and time-consuming, prompting them to avoid it and focus on studying instead. Little do they know that it’s a simple endeavour that could be incorporated into their daily routine and, in return, produce a huge positive impact on their mental health.

Self-care is a set of activities that help in promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. For instance, it could be taking breaks, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, going for a walk, listening to music, meditating, or contacting a friend. In other words, it is doing something that brings you happiness and joy. Consequently, self-care activities could vary from one person to another. Some people may enjoy reading a book as a form of self-care, while others could take a walk to clear their minds.

Self-care and studying go hand in hand, they are not related but rather intertwined. Self-care helps you achieve success in your academic endeavours. To prevent burnout and achieve the highest level of productivity, taking breaks while studying is crucial for your brain to rest and recharge. One method, which is commonly known as the “Pomodoro technique,” is a must-try for every student. Its main steps entail focusing on one task, working on it for 25 minutes, and then taking a 5-minute break. Upon the completion of four tasks, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes (Boogaard, 2023).

Moving forward, an important aspect of the Pomodoro technique is to have a comfortable yet organized study space to achieve maximum concentration while studying. Students’ preferences in study spaces vary; some prefer studying in quiet areas, while others prefer a busy environment (Nardino, n.d.). The main criterion for achieving this condition is finding a place without distractions or disturbances. This will enhance your productivity and push you to new heights.

Another prominent self-care activity is to get enough sleep, which directly impacts your ability to study effectively. Sleep deprivation can severely affect your cognitive functions, memory, and concentration, making it hard to retain information. So, by getting enough sleep, the brain can consolidate what was learned and be better prepared for what’s next, i.e., your exams. 

Furthermore, avoiding getting overwhelmed and increasing productivity can be done by setting realistic, small, and achievable goals. When you look at a huge assignment or even an entire syllabus you must complete for an exam, you will feel overwhelmed and exhausted. However, dividing your tasks into realistic goals, starting with the more challenging ones, and giving yourself rewards, will motivate you and increase your studying effectiveness. 


Asif, S., Muddassar, A., Shahzad, T. Z., Raouf, M., & Pervaiz, T. (2020). Frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress among university students. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(5). 

Boogaard, L. (2023). The Learning Pit and the Pomodoro Technique. Potential Plus UK.