By Tala Charif | Staff Writer

Recently, there has been a movement in academia encouraging women to seek careers in science and engineering and honoring “Women in STEM.” It is certainly necessary to encourage young girls to pursue any career they desire, particularly in more male-dominated industries, in order to achieve balance. People don’t realize, however, that female-dominated fields are not celebrated in the first place. On International Women’s Day, we’re highlighting the top ten majors at AUB with the highest percentage of female enrollment. 

10 – English Language (80%)

In 10th place, we have English Language with 80% of its students being female. Graduates from this major will go on to become copywriters, editors in newspapers or magazines, teachers, consultants and librarians, taking on the responsibility of spreading knowledge across the community and supporting various companies and institutions. 

9- Psychology (85%)

With 85% of students being female, Psychology ranks in at number 9. Graduates from this major will become psychologists, therapists and school counselors or even go into neuroscience and psychiatry. Overall, these students are advocates of mental health and prioritize the wellbeing of the community. 

8- Media and Communications (85%)

Sharing the same percentage with Psychology, Media and Communications made it into our top 10. If you’re reading this article, you are already enjoying the work of this field! From working in advertising to reporting the latest events happening world-wide, graduates from this major will contribute to various media outlets, turning a complex scoop into one that is easy to understand.

7- English Literature (86%)

Next, we have English Literature with 86% of its students being female. English Literature students graduate from university with a strong creative baggage, mastering the power of words. They will go on to write books, become editors, teachers, academics and can even go into law. 

6- Medical Audiology Sciences (90%)

At number 6 with 90% of the students being female we have Medical Audiology Sciences, marking the first scientific major on our list. Graduates from this major will become “healthcare professionals who provide patient-centered care in the prevention, identification, diagnosis, and evidence-based treatment of hearing, balance, and other auditory disorders for people of all ages”¹.

5- Sociology and Anthropology (91%)

Starting with our top 5, we have Sociology and Anthropology with 91% of the students being female. Graduates from this course will graduate with a deep understanding of our society and various sociological theories. They will go into academia and research, or support communities and institutions by their expertise in human understanding.

4- Graphic Design (95%)

In fourth place is Graphic Design with 95% of the students being female. Graduates from this major will have a strong artistic and technical skill set, allowing them to go into typography, interactive design and branding. Graphic designers are the backbone of any company or institution as they are the ones attracting the audience through innovative designs. 

3- Health Communication (95%)

With 95% of its students being female, Health Communication is one of the newer undergraduate majors at AUB, allowing its graduates to go into a growing job market in public health. They are future professionals of international organizations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, promoting the community’s health and awareness of several diseases

2- Education (96%)

In second place, we have Education with 96% of the students being female. Graduates from this major dedicate their lives to nurture and inspire the future generation, guiding them while they construct their knowledge and build their understanding of the world. Other than teaching, Education graduates can go into special needs education, psychology, counseling, management and policy.

1- Nutrition and Dietetics (97%)

On top of our ranking is Nutrition and Dietetics with 97% of the students being female. Graduates from this major will have extensive knowledge on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. They go on to become dietitians, chefs, catering managers and health improvement practitioners, promoting wellbeing and a positive self-image and relationship with food. 

Overall, this list demonstrates that women dominate a wide range of fields in numerous industries, proving that women can do it all! Is this list surprising to you?