Bestie Westie

Bestie Westie

By Seta Club Arguably AUB’s most popular and recognizable cat, Westie is a fluffy black domestic longhair – also known as a Void Floof. She resides in the area around West Hall, to which she owes her name as well as her status as local cat celebrity:...
Trading and Investing: Is It the Same Thing?

Trading and Investing: Is It the Same Thing?

By Mohammad Badran | Staff Writer Investing is the process of holding the security for the long-term, relying on the security’s fundamentals. It is associated with lower risks because of the extended holding periods. For example, you buy a stock today that you believe...
Whispers of Memory: The Benches of AUB

Whispers of Memory: The Benches of AUB

By Nagham Khazaal | Staff Writer Memories and stories are woven onto the benches at AUB. Behind nearly every bench lies an untold story. These seats bear witness to the love stories of former AUBites who found each other amidst its campus. They also hold the memories...
Readings from Beirut to Palestine: Open-Mic Night

Readings from Beirut to Palestine: Open-Mic Night

Nancy Slim | Staff Writer   For Palestine Week, the English and Arabic Student Societies in collaboration with the literary and art journal, Rusted Radishes, hosted an open mic night: Readings from Beirut to Palestine. The emotionally dense night took place at...

أسبوع فلسطين حرية الصحافة في زمن الابادة

أليسار إزرافيل | كاتبة في إطار أسبوع فلسطين، أقام مركز الدراسات العربية ودراسات الشرق الأوسط في الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت ندوة حوارية حول “حرية الصحافة في زمن الإبادة” في قاعة المحاضرات في معهد عصام فارس، نهار الاثنين الواقع فيه 4 آذار، 2024.  المتحدثون...
“مسرحية “قوم يابا

“مسرحية “قوم يابا

ْUniversity for Seniors   خلال “أسبوع فلسطين” في الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت وبهدف التضامن مع فلسطين والفلسطينيين تجاه الأعمال الوحشية واللاإنسانية والإبادة الجماعية التي يتعرضون لها، شاركت جامعة الكبار UfS في أسبوع فلسطين عبر عرض مسرحية “قوم...