By Sarah Al Arab | Staff Writer

A dispute always arises between investors who favor active investing and those who opt for passive investing. In the perspective of many, active ideas appear to be more effective, dynamic, and unrivaled; however, it does not seem to have the same allure in investing.

To begin, active investing is a process that a portfolio manager must monitor to analyze the different factors of the investor’s funds, and have a comprehensive knowledge of the market. In this approach, the manager aims to purchase undervalued funds and ride them to wealth to outperform the market standards. Active managers should be confident enough to sell, purchase, and trade stocks in convenient and short periods to elevate their profit.

On the other hand, passive investment is often referred to as an indexed-style investment, a strategy where the investor buys and holds their stocks. No trading nor rough analytic activities take place in this approach. The investor is only required to cleverly choose the outperforming market index and target to own all its stocks, then patiently anticipate gaining profit.

In monetary terms, passive investment minimizes costs since the investor does not need a manager to spectate the market and analyze it. In contrast, active investment is considered expensive because it cannot be approached without a portfolio manager, which gets paid to outperform the benchmarks. Moreover, passive investment is more transparent since the investor is informed of all purchases. In return, active investment does not provide the same transparency because the manager decides what to buy and sell, which might serve well in certain instances, but excruciating upon unfortunate decisions. Lastly, passive investing is often recharged with less annual taxes because of its buy-and-hold strategy. Nonetheless, active investing triggers more capital gain taxes, but one could sell losing investments to offset the taxes of the successful acquisitions.

To conclude, passive investing can be a tremendous success for investors. It lowers the cost, and investors achieve more substantial gains in the long run. In fact, anyone might be executing a passive investment through an employer-sponsored retirement plan, and it is an optimal way that employees could benefit from passive investment.