Data Visualization

Blog of the Data Visualization & Communication Course at OSB-AUB

This is my favorite part about analytics: Taking boring flat data and bringing it to life through visualization” John Tukey

Lighting the Way Forward: Closing the Rural-Urban Electricity Gap with Strategic Government Policies

The Initial Divide (1994): In 1994, Tunisia's electrification landscape presented a striking contrast. Urban areas were almost entirely electrified at 99.87%, but rural regions lagged significantly with only 66.29% access. This gap underscored a larger issue of...

Are we Sufficiently using Clean Energy? Global Warming is still on the Rise!

Year after Year, temperatures rise across the world with an increase in the overall emissions of CO2 and other gases correlated with global warming. Sea levels are at risk of rising, climate change is on the rise, increased risks of droughts and floods and threats to...

Lebanon’s Economic Odyssey: Taming Inflation on the Road to SDG 1

Ever heard of the Boiling Frog Syndrome? The 'Boiling Frog' syndrome is based on an urban legend describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is simple: if a frog is suddenly put into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out and save itself from impending...

Tuberculosis – A pandemic for the underprivilege?

A pandemic that is targeting the under-privilege, as if the right of living and being protected from such a disease is dependent on one's status and unfortunate living conditions. Tuberculosis continues to be a huge peril disease against the human population and...

The road to fighting child labor

Ever wondered why child labor still exists?

The Price of Progress, Life…

What is your value? Although you would like to say you cannot be measured by a number, you are! Studies implemented to assess projects and decide whether to implement them or not reduce you to a number, just like they judge the value of a building. The world is...

Strengthening Lebanon’s Economy

In a world where economic resilience is more crucial than ever, Lebanon stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of overcoming adversity. This blog post is a reflection and expansion of those insights, exploring how we can collectively work towards a more robust...

The Shift to Natural Gas for Electricity Production in Egypt Affected Rural Electrification

"Electricity is more than just a source of power for homes; it symbolizes hope and progress. However, this promise often goes unrealized for millions in rural areas around the globe. Egypt's quest for energy equality—a story that started with challenges in 1992, the...

CO2 emissions from electricity and renewable sources in Australia

THE 17 GOALS: Affordable and clean energy in australia:   CO2 emissions is one of the hottest topics nowadays especially in Australia where they are suffering from the high emission of CO2. CO2 leads to many problems in the atmosphere warms the planet, causing...

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Because of its invaluable contribution to a more sustainable world, the United Nations' 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which are a set of 17 ambitious goals covering a variety of domains with goals to be achieved by 2030, incorporated "Life Below Water" as SDG...
Exposing Thyroid Diseases

Exposing Thyroid Diseases

In the quiet corridors of our family history, a common threat is spreading across generations: thyroid diseases; which are a whispered secret, passed down from mothers to daughters, as if it is a legacy of hormonal imbalances that affect our entire life. But as I...

Air Pollution: A Harsh Breath to Reality

Air Pollution: A Harsh Breath to Reality

My Personal Experience It’s been for 5 years in my life that I live in a country where is located in Mediterranean coast and I felt a paramount difference in quality of life in the sense of what you breathe into your body and lungs. All my life until reach 18 years...

Silent Suffering: Unveiling the Darkness of Bullying

Silent Suffering: Unveiling the Darkness of Bullying

Recognizing the Issue Imagine being a young teenager, just trying to navigate the ups and downs of growing up. Now picture facing daily taunts, threats, and even physical harm from your peers. This is the harsh reality for many adolescents and pre-adolescents who fall...

The Social Media Reality: A Mentally Depressing One?

The Social Media Reality: A Mentally Depressing One?

My Teenage Years Throughout my childhood and teenage years, social media played a pivotal role in my life. It controlled how I think, what I do, and who I am friends with. I felt depressed and did not know why or how to stop it. As a young teenager, I wanted to prove...

Population Clusters and Housing Deficit in Jordan

Population Clusters and Housing Deficit in Jordan

"Urbanization" is a problem that many countries suffer from. It led to drastic demographic changes that led to negative effects in terms of political , social , and economical aspects. Many governments struggle to solve the issue of high density populated area and...

Healthcare Challenges in Nigeria: A Call for Action

Healthcare Challenges in Nigeria: A Call for Action

Imagine waking up every day gripped by the fear of succumbing to poor healthcare, a result of your country's negligence. Chukwudi, a 10-year-old Nigerian battling HIV in a nation with the world's highest mortality rate (164.24/1000 people). Is his fear justified? And...