Explore the inner workings of the Lebanese state and society in how both function under the current economic collapse, international pressure and, at times, sectarian divides. Get the latest on all the recent happenings locally with the concise and impartial detail of Outlook’s student journalists.

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Depositors Fight Fire with Fire: A New Trend In Bank “Heists”?

Depositors Fight Fire with Fire: A New Trend In Bank “Heists”?

By Taleen El Gharib | Junior Editor of Local News

On Thursday morning, depositors launched molotovs at banks located in Badaro as the Lebanese currency skyrocketed past 80,000LBP against the dollar. Amid a worsening crisis, Lebanon witnesses another fight in the face of banking deadlock. What’s next?

The Aftermath of the Kahramanaras Earthquake in Lebanon

The Aftermath of the Kahramanaras Earthquake in Lebanon

By Rana Zalghout | Staff Writer

The recent earthquake caused thousands of dead bodies in Syria and Turkey, and crucial damages on the Lebanese wellbeing. This article addresses the effects of the Kahramanaras earthquake on the mental health of people in Lebanon.