Outlook is a weekly publication of the American University of Beirut (AUB). It is an independent, non-affiliated publication that favors no ethnic, religious or political group. All commons, articles and reports are the…

Our top picks

AUB Study Spots: Which One Best Fits You?

AUB Study Spots: Which One Best Fits You?

By Magda El Dada | Staff Writer 

With a campus as vast and beautiful as AUB’s, it can be overwhelming to find a safe space where one can clear their mind and study to their full potential. A satisfactory GPA and a productive routine cannot be achieved without the tiny details that ensure we feel most like ourselves, and for that, the fate of our goals lies in the minor changes in our choices that make AUB home. 

Turning a Breeze into a Storm

Turning a Breeze into a Storm

By Lynn Ayoub | Staff Writer

“Can’t Help Myself” was an industrial robot considered to be a piece of art made by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu. It’s your own mind turning on you, and there is nothing you can do about it; it’s taking in a gentle breeze and turning it into a raging storm, blind, recking your world, forcing you to kneel and beg for an escape.