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Our top picks

The Thirsty of Ramadan

The Thirsty of Ramadan

By Mario Meouchi | Staff Writer 
With Ramadan at our doorstep, it is important to remember the significant and rich history of Islam. Setting aside the importance of the tradition of Ramadan and what it represents in the context of Islam, it truly is a rough test of both will and resilience.

Heartaches & Heartbreaks

Heartaches & Heartbreaks

By Gaelle Hachem | Staff Writer

The Foundations of Cardiovascular Wellness:

Before we look into the emotional aspects of the heart, it is important to establish and recognize the scientific underpinnings of heart health.

All Ways, Always

All Ways, Always

 By Lynn Ayoub | Staff Writer 

    You’re so close yet so far away, bound to them so hard so you don’t stray, they’re burning you, your flesh to ashes with every gaze, yet you feel as if that person is the only light that can find its way in your maze. It is dreadful and heartbreaking when something as beautiful as love turns into a drug that you can’t help yourself from needing, consuming you, all ways, always.