Tracy Egho | Sports Junior Editor

With the end of the season, the 2021 USC League never looked better and our university yet again exceeded all expectations. With some dedication and determination in the diverse fields, our teams were able to prove themselves on and off court, showing once again that the future of sports at AUB is indeed safe and promising.

Below are the AUB USC League Fall 2021 results:

Women Basketball: 

After achieving a perfect 3-0 record in the group stage, the women’s basketball team were more than determined to grab this year’s title. After being qualified and overcoming the semis with a great win, the team got to the finals of the championship. With great support, team effort, and strong will, the girls won in the finals after beating LAU Byblos with a score of 62-48 in a tough game. They have retrieved the title and are now Champions of the 2021 Fall University League.

Men basketball: 

The men’s basketball team started the season on a high note after back-to-back wins. Despite a hard-fought loss in their last game of the group stages, the boys still managed to secure a spot in the playoffs. After defeating LAU Byblos in a tight game to advance to the semi-finals, the team faced USJ which bowed them out of the tournament. Nevertheless, the boys managed to secure 3rd place in the championship with their 69-61 win against BAU at home, in what was a solid team performance.

Women Futsal: 

The women futsal team started the season with two hard losses. With an incomplete team, and right into the quarterfinals, the team was able, despite all, to secure a challenging win with only 5 players. After overcoming a tough semi, the futsal team managed to make it to the finals determined to grab the gold. With the whole team’s effort and the determination they had, the girls made an incredible win against LAU Byblos in one of their toughest matches and were crowned Champions of the 2021 Fall University League with a 3-2 win.

Men Futsal: 

The season’s debut of the men’s futsal team was tough after two matches which ended each by a loss and a draw. They nonetheless dominated their next 3 matches, beating 3 teams consecutively. Their three game-winning streak thus came to an end in the semi-finals after losing against UOB in a tough match. While the 3rd place of the league was still open, the team faced multiple injuries with no substitutes in their last game. And with that they lost 1-0 against USJ coming in 4th in the championship. Despite the outcome of this season, the team had qualified for the playoffs for the first time in the past 4 years which showed indeed how dedicated and determined the players were. The team performed admirably and it is only the beginning.

Women Volleyball:

The women’s volleyball team started the year with a somewhat fresh team. The beginning of the season was a bit rough as they lost the first games but the girls were consequently able to achieve a great win against BAU. The team then yet again lost which led them to play their last game for 3rd place in the league. However, the game ended with a loss against LAU Beirut by a score of 2-0, which made them finish 4th in the championship. Despite the losses, the team’s spirit was still high. The girls were determined to build a stronger bond and team dynamic that will surely push them to the top in the upcoming league.

Men Volleyball: 

The men’s volleyball team entered the new season with a fresh set of players, as they started their season with a big win. However, the boys then lost their following matches as they faced UOB and LAU Byblos. Despite that, the team advanced to the Quarter Finals, which ended with a great win on their end. Reaching the semi-finals full of hope, the team yet again fell short of UOB. Following this loss, the boys had to battle it out with LAU Byblos once again, defeating all odds and finishing 3rd in the championship with a 2-0 score.

Men Football: 

The men’s football season started with a draw against BAU which lowered the players’ motivation looking into the upcoming rounds. In spite of the hard start, the boys were focused and were able to beat the next two teams advancing to the next stage with determination. The team was then able to grab two consecutive wins in both the quarterfinals and semifinals heading straight into the finals against UOB with one step closer to the gold. Eyes on the prize now, the boys are hungry to win this season’s title. The finals were thus taken to penalties, which gave away a well deserved win for our boys, after a tight game, grabbing the title of the USC Football league Champions.

Men Handball:

The men’s handball team kicked off the season with two consecutive wins in the group stages. Heading into the semis, the boys played an incredible match against BAU, securing a spot in the finals with an overall 3 wins streak. However, they faced a tough loss in the finals, with a score of 20-23 against USJ, ending up 2nd in the league. In spite of that, the results are promising and the boys are definitely ready to reclaim the title in the upcoming season.


The tennis team started off their season right with strong wins and were ranked first among all universities with 10 points. Into the semi-finals, the team fought in a very challenging game and managed to win after putting in a lot of effort and made it straight to the finals. With a player down because of an injury, the finals were challenging, and the team lost, in a very close game of 2-1 vs UOB. Despite that, securing 2nd place among all universities in the championship was a result to definitely be proud of.

Table tennis:

After two difficult years, the women’s and men’s table tennis teams marked their way back in the finals with confidence. In the group stages, both teams ranked first among other universities for both men and women. Into the semi-finals, the players didn’t deceive us, with a 3-1 win for our men against USJ and 3-0 for our women against UA. The men consequently, fought in the finals but failed in their match against BAU with a 3-0 score. Despite that, they secured 2nd place in the championship. On the other hand, the women’s team eased their way to the top with a contested 3-0 win against LAU Beirut grabbing the title for this season’s champions.

A big thank you to all the players, coaches, staff, management and physiotherapists for their hard work and efforts throughout this season. It is only with your commitment that the results came out encouraging. And for now, rest well, keep your heads high and let’s see what the upcoming season reserves for us.