Tech For Accessibility


Empower Accessibility through Innovation


Despite technological advancements, many individuals with disabilities still face significant barriers to accessing information, services, problems in communication, and hurdles to daily life activities. These barriers limit their ability to participate fully in society and negatively impact their independence and quality of life. The “Tech for Accessibility” Hackathon seeks to address this challenge by bringing together individuals with diverse backgrounds and skillsets to collaborate and innovate solutions aimed at improving accessibility for people with disabilities (Source: World Health Organization, 2018).

Tech For Accessibility Hackathon Register now

Criteria to join:


  • Form a team of 2-4 participants from the MENA region.
  • Have at least one team member affiliated with AUB being an alumni, graduate student, undergraduate student, staff, or faculty.
  • Find an accessibility problem and use tech for creating a solution for any of the tracks.
  • Fill in the application form.


Need a Team or an Aubite Team member ? 

  1. Join our Slack ideation channel.
  2. Share a message stating what you need (technical or business-oriented member, AUB/non-AUB/any).
  3.  We’ll help connect you.
  4. If you’re an AUB member willing to participate in the hackathon, mention that in the channel too.
  5. Make sure you fill the application form when your team is final.



Assistive Technology and Universal Design

Participants in this track will collaborate to develop innovative solutions aimed at enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities in both digital and physical environments. By merging the domains of assistive technology and universal design, participants from various disciplines will work together to create inclusive solutions that empower individuals with disabilities to navigate the digital realm and physical spaces more effectively.


Augmented Reality for Accessibility

Participants could work on solutions aimed at using augmented reality to enhance the accessibility of public spaces and other physical environments for individuals with disabilities. (Participants from majors such as computer science, electrical engineering, software engineering, design, and psychology could work together on this track)


Accessibility testing and Remedy tools

Participants will work on creating solutions to make websites and web services
more accessible for individuals with disabilities. This interfaces technologies to improve accessibility, designing accessible user interfaces, and developing best practices and guidelines for web accessibility. (Participants from majors such as computer science, electrical engineering,
software engineering, finance, and business could work together on this track).


Attention developers! Join the Fas Challenge and create an MVP for a web or mobile solution that scans an area and generates an accessible routing for individuals with disabilities. The winning team will receive $3,000

Your mission is to develop a cutting-edge solution that scans an area, be it a public space or building, and generates a routing that prioritizes accessibility for persons with disabilities. By leveraging your technical expertise and creativity, you have the power to break down barriers and empower individuals to navigate their surroundings with confidence and ease.

{ Dates }

  • Jul 15, 2023 Application Deadline
  • Jul 17, 2023 to Jul 21, 2023 Capacity Building Workshops – Online
  • Jul 22, 2023 Pitch Submission
  • Jul 25, 2023 Announcement of the 10 finalists teams
  • Jul 26, 2023 Mentoring and Pitch Rehearsal – BDD
  • Jul 27, 2023 Final Ceremony – BDD

Useful Resources

ABLE Library:

Microsoft AI for Accessiblily Projects:

TechTrends – AI for Accessiblily:


A11YBY blog:  

Microsoft Azure Channel – YouTube:  

– Microsoft Azure – YouTube – Azure AI and Analytics:

– Microsoft Developer – YouTube:

– Power BI for Developers – YouTube:

– Microsoft Power BI – YouTube:  

– Microsoft Research – YouTube: 

– MSFTEnable – YouTube: