Explore the inner workings of the Lebanese state and society in how both function under the current economic collapse, international pressure and, at times, sectarian divides. Get the latest on all the recent happenings locally with the concise and impartial detail of Outlook’s student journalists.

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Student Activists Attacked After Raising Signs in Solidarity with Palestinians and South Lebanon

Student Activists Attacked After Raising Signs in Solidarity with Palestinians and South Lebanon

By Spring Joudi | Contributing Writer As Israel continues its assault on the people of Gaza and the South of Lebanon, we witness a rise in repression and a mounting death toll among the Palestinians. An attack on one group’s freedom is an attack on all, and with the preservation of individual liberties, rights, and freedoms, societal harmony, and progress can thrive, and with their repression, the potential for societal stagnation and injustice looms large. 

“هل من “أبجد هوّز” في ال 2024؟”

“هل من “أبجد هوّز” في ال 2024؟”

بدأ التخوف من إضراب المعلمين في المدارس الرسمية رغم تأكيد وزير التربية والتعليم عباس الحلبي على “توافر الأموال حتى نهاية العام الدراسي”، دون تحديد كيفية توافرها بعد نهاية السلفة الأولى. ستتناول المقالة اسباب المخاوف والنتائج السلبية إذا
اضرب المعلمون فعلاً