Delve into the world of artistic expression and creation, an impactful experience stirring our lives, driven by the artists of today, especially the locals whom we connect to the most.

Our top picks

Queens of Rage

Queens of Rage

By Zainab Saad | Junior Editor of Local Arts & Culture

Women’s anger is pervasive, as pervasive as our oppression, but it frequently lurks underground. Visual perception is what redefines best the terms of rage from a woman’s perspective, and what better way to visualize it than through art?

Along the Bus Stops of Jordan

Along the Bus Stops of Jordan

Lara Alhasannieh | Staff Writer
The art of ceramics connecting two different countries with distinct cultures. The stories drawn on clay in Jordan tell us all about a country of beauty and stolen dreams.

Lebanese Art History Decentered and Reworked

Lebanese Art History Decentered and Reworked

By Linda Ajam | Staff Writer

Whenever the subject of Lebanese art history pops up, what first springs to mind (and you might relate) is the mystical illustrations of Gibran Khalil Gibran, the brightly-colored religious iconography that adorns our churches, and the idyllic landscape paintings of green terraces dotted with the archetypal Lebanese houses with red-tiled roofs and latticed windows.