سلاسل الذات

سلاسل الذات

في بُعدِ الرّوْضِ، فَقَدَت النّفسُ ذاتَها، أسيرةٌ، قَيَّدَتْها الرّغبَةُ، كَما قَيَّدَ راعٍ فَرَسا   إذا سَألتَهُ: أينَ المَنفَذُ، جاوَبَني: لَيسَ لَكَ مَهْرَبا، مَصيرُكَ لَوْنُ الزّمُرُدِ، في عُيونٍ، إبليسٌ لها...
D’un homme on fait la poésie

D’un homme on fait la poésie

 By Ghina Taan | Editor-in-Chief Je t’ai vu transformer ces hommes en poésie ; Ceux que tu as croisés à différents stades de ta vie. Une fois je te vois les décrire soleils hardis ;  D’autres, comme êtres dépourvus d’astronomie.      Et sous l’encre qui...


By Mir@ | Staff Writer A ghost passed me bySalt in the wounds of the albatrossIt sat before me its legs in a crossPast specter come fly-by-night   Flaunting silver hairNot her brown huesthat made her museof all dreams heir   My jacket, grey and blandmocked...

Have Me Fade Away

By Aya Khalaf | Staff Writer i took a whiff of you the other day you smelled like power and cigarettes as if you were holding onto some sort of burning stone, it was hurting your skin and flesh, but you were still persistent on never letting it go. It’s as if this...
Serendipity or Divinity

Serendipity or Divinity

By Zeina Bazarbachi | Junior Editor What lies beyond infinity? Does everything happen by serendipity? I look around, where is this said divinity? I look around, واری نفسي I look around, ولا اری غيري I look around, and all I see, is this puddle beneath me But I am not...
Cherry Blue

Cherry Blue

By Elena Hijazi | Junior Editor She said, “is that a smoke I smell?” He said, “is it a sign from hell?” She said, “I guess people never change…” He said, “not as often as it rains.” She said, “But I smoke now; every now and then.” He said, “And I’m smoking. I’m...