Discover the persisting impact of books and literature on our society, including old-time classics and new novels that have provided a new perspective to the vast topic that is literature.

Our top picks

The Forty Rules of Love by Shams Tabrizi

The Forty Rules of Love by Shams Tabrizi

By Alissar Izrafeel | Staff Writer Rule #1  How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we....

The Pornification of Literature

The Pornification of Literature

By Tia Zeinab | Staff Writer Eroticism and pornography have become a widespread pandemic in media, whether it’s on Twitter or genuine porn sites, the lack of censorship across all media platforms is highly evident. Literature, novels, and written media have not been...

سلاسل الذات

سلاسل الذات

في بُعدِ الرّوْضِ، فَقَدَت النّفسُ ذاتَها، أسيرةٌ، قَيَّدَتْها الرّغبَةُ، كَما قَيَّدَ راعٍ فَرَسا   إذا سَألتَهُ: أينَ المَنفَذُ، جاوَبَني: لَيسَ لَكَ مَهْرَبا، مَصيرُكَ لَوْنُ الزّمُرُدِ، في عُيونٍ، إبليسٌ لها...
