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أنت هُويّة اسمك

أنت هُويّة اسمك

روزا كامل كلوت | محرر
على الروزانا، على الروزانا، وتستكمل أغنية فيروز تلك، والطفلة بين ذراعي أبيها تنتظر من يسمّيها، روز، روزانا، روزانّا، وتطول اللائحة.

Readers vs Booktok: A Race with Time

Readers vs Booktok: A Race with Time

By Nancy Slim | Staff Writer
At the start of every new year, all avid readers are quick to set a reading goal for themselves to complete by the time the year ends, but things have been different recently. So, as the market gets flooded with copy-paste versions of different yet oh-so-similar books, readers’ goals keep rising, while the quality of their reading content may be declining.