Advocating for change by shedding light and offering rich perspectives on issues related to politics, economics, culture, identity and human rights.

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Tackling Climate Change: “Capitalist” Obstacles

Tackling Climate Change: “Capitalist” Obstacles

Sari Zeineddine | Staff Writer

The Climate Change question has recently risen as an existential question, since its impacts won’t exclude anyone. As a result, global industrial powers were pushed to find a solution that’s bearable for the overall mode of production.

A Sign of Hope: Lebanon’s Electoral Dates

A Sign of Hope: Lebanon’s Electoral Dates

By Lynn Bou Daher | Staff Writer

For more than 30 years, we have been hearing the same names being elected. In fact, the Lebanese people were divided into two camps: those who vote for their party every election, and those who simply decide not to vote, either because they live abroad or because they don’t believe their contribution will make a change. 

The Illusion of White Saviorism: A Burden on Africa’s Agro Industry

The Illusion of White Saviorism: A Burden on Africa’s Agro Industry

By Nour Makarem | Staff Writer

For years, the media has presented Africa almost like a helpless child that cannot fend for itself without the support of mother West. Though it is no secret that the Third World requires sustenance from time to time to a certain degree, it seems that this help does not always serve its purpose.