By Kaoutar Nasser | Staff Writer

Being an AUB student, you probably took one or two classes with a few exchange students, or you yourself are curious to know more about exchange semesters. The experience of an exchange student sounds all fun and full of exhilarating opportunities but is it only that?

Moving miles away from your country can sound very intimidating and challenging so what are the perks and cons of such an experience? First things first, whether you want to or not, prepare to start a new life since you will be exposed to a new environment, a new culture, and whole new people. 

There wasn’t a big culture shock from Lebanon and the AUB community lifestyle in specific but there were new interesting things to explore like holidays, Halloween thanksgiving etc. and I think I mostly surrounded myself with people I am comfortable with,” an AUB student at University of Pennsylvania said. 

On the other hand, Millie Costello, an exchange student from Dublin in AUB stated “Yeah, I think I did get a culture shock because I had never been to a country in “the Middle East” but it was a pleasant shock because I loved it so much and felt way safer in Lebanon than in my home In Ireland.”

Although perspectives vary, you may spend your exchange year as you choose as long as you don’t allow culture shock get in the way. While the short period of one semester can seem to be ephemeral and unimpactful, a lot can go in the span of three to four months. Friends can be made; new dishes are tried but the bittersweet of them all are the memories you make and leave there. By putting yourself in a completely different environment, you are exploring yourself from other angles and getting to know who you are as an AUB student at UPenn had stated.


How does AUB and OIP help its exchange students adapt?

When going to another university, it’s very important to check with their international office. “The OIP group in AUB were super helpful. They organized trips and events which were really fun, and it helped me meet new people. The staff and lecturers were also helpful with the boring questions like my visa and assignments. It was such an amazing experience I was so lucky to go!” Millie Costello.  “The varsity teams were also a great way to meet people, but I would have wished for it to start earlier as I think it took too much time to get started.” (Gabrielle, University college London Exchange student at AUB)

Even if you could have a similar experience, those four months are specific to you and what you want to accomplish with them, so give it a shot if you can, and if not, learn about various cultures by meeting the exchange students at your university instead!