By Alissar Izrafeel | Staff Writer

“Sometimes a homeland becomes a tale. We love the story because it is about our homeland and we love our homeland even more because of the story”, says the late Refaat AlAreer, Palestinian writer, poet, professor and activist from Gaza strip, in Gaza Writes Back.  

The AUB Writing Center collaborated with AUB Press in a ZINE project to weave stories of resistance and love during Palestine Week at the American University of Beirut. The Zine workshop entitled “Visualizing Palestine: Scrapbook Design” that happened on March 7th, 2024, taking place in College Hall. The workshop attracted more than 30 students and faculty members who wanted to tell tales through scrapbooking about Palestine.

Through the act of scrapbooking and collecting fragments, pieces, and snippets of cut stickers, ripped papers, and pictures of Palestine, collages have been created to honor Palestine. Palestine before and after the Nakba and after the war of October 7th which is a turning point in the history of Palestine. Images have been constructed together while remembering a Palestine that was born free and in hopes to be free once more. Through fragments and broken pieces of shrapnel and defused bullets, the scrapbooking pieces were able to tell visual stories of Palestine as a homeland for its people and those who are connected to it.

The event fostered a sense of unity and empowerment as people from diverse backgrounds and nationalities came together to share their memories, reflections, and hopes for Palestine during difficult times of war and struggle. Conversations flowed freely in between, as participants exchanged personal stories. 

At the end of the workshop, participants shared their completed zines, marveling at the diversity of perspectives and experiences captured within each page. Participants created a mosaic of memories both past and present. All scrapbook designs from participants will be transformed into a published booklet.

“Visualizing Palestine: Scrapbook Design” was more than a creative event, it was a celebration of a community that stands in solidarity with Palestine through the enduring power of storytelling. It was a coming together in honoring the Palestinian women, men, and children. It is an emphasis to show that the Palestinian cause is remembered and will never be forgotten no matter how hard (they) try. 

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

على هذه الأرض ما يستحق الحياة

على هذه الأرض

سيّدة الأرض

أمّ البدايات أمّ النهايات

كانت تسمّى فلسطين

صارت تسمّى فلسطين

سيّدتي، أستحقّ لأنّك سيدتي

أستحقّ الحياة

(الشاعر الفلسطيني محمود درويش)