By Gaelle Hachem | Staff Writer

  In our daily lives, the sun is an ever-present companion, whether we’re walking around campus, driving in our cars, or spending a day at the beach, for instance. Although this star illuminates our surroundings and allows us to see  −and we are very much thankful for that− it also exposes our skin to the influence of its ultraviolet rays. Consequently, a proper skincare routine has become a crucial part of our lives to protect the outer barrier of our bodies. With winter currently being at its peak and the days being shorter than usual, we all feel tempted to avoid applying sunscreen. After all, the sunlight doesn’t feel as intense during these cold and dark months, so why waste it, right? However, the truth is that protecting our skin using sunscreen should remain a daily habit, whether we’re in boiling hot July or freezing February!

Sunscreen as a weapon against aging: 

Aging and the eventual formation of wrinkles are natural processes that everyone will inevitably experience at some point in their life. Yet, it is important to acknowledge the role of other factors, specifically ultraviolet radiation, in accelerating and accentuating these changes.  According to the American Academy of Dermatology, UV light is present all year long, even on cloudy days, in both of its harmful forms: UVA and UVB. On one hand, UVA rays can easily pass through windows and lead to the formation of wrinkles and photoaging, which is the premature aging of the skin, thus, they are known as the “aging rays”. On the other hand, UVB rays lead to sunburns, and this is why they are also called “burning rays”. In our dermis, which is the inner layer of the skin, collagen, elastin and other fibers play a significant role in preserving the structure of the skin and together give it a smooth and youthful look. However, these skin components are heavily affected by UV light. The Skin Care Foundation states that 90% of the visible damages to our skin (wrinkles, sunspots, sunburns…) are due to the UV rays coming from sunlight exposure, and consequently the daily use of sunscreen is recommended to prevent photoaging

Sunscreen as a DNA guardian:

According to the World Health Organization, around 2 to 3 million non-melanoma and 132,000 melanoma skin cancers are recorded each year worldwide, and one in three cancer diagnoses is a skin cancer one. Unfortunately, these numbers are also expected to rise due to the decrease in ozone levels in the universe. Here is what happens: UV rays possess the capability of damaging the DNA or genetic material of the skin cells exposed to the outside, potentially leading to mutations, and in some extreme cases, we might lose control over cell growth and end up with skin cancer. Sunscreen can step into this battlefield and form a protective barrier to our skin! This layer works simultaneously to prevent DNA damage and also reduce the risk of UV-induced mutations. By picking up this simple and quick daily habit of applying sunscreen, we are actively protecting and saving ourselves from a deadly disease!

Beyond its remarkable positive impact on aging and skin cancer prevention, incorporating sunscreen into your daily routine fosters skin well-being. With the skin being the largest organ in our body, taking proper care of it is an investment in our long-term health! In case you notice anything unusual or experience a change in the texture or color of your skin, consulting a dermatologist can save your life! With their expertise, dermatologists can offer you personalized advice and early detection of any potential skin issues. Also, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides us with some extra safety measures for optimal protection: First, it is advisable to avoid the sun as much as possible, particularly when it is most intense (between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.). Additionally, wearing protective clothing like long sleeves, sunglasses and hats can shield your skin from direct sunlight. Lastly, it is recommended to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF values of 15 or more and apply it frequently (every two hours) to ensure continuous protection. 

    Finally, in skincare, consistency is key and sunscreen is no exception regardless of the weather outside. It acts as a formidable defense against the visible signs of aging and plays a pivotal role in preventing the development of skin cancer. This is why you should always remember the power and simplicity of sunscreen and make it a non-negotiable part of your morning ritual.  Over time, you will eventually notice the benefits. By shielding your skin today, you promise yourself a more youthful look and healthier skin in the future. Your skin will thank you for the investment, one day at a time…
