By Sarah Sabra | Senior Editor

Two merit-based complete tuition support grants have been made available by the American University of Beirut to honour and assist outstanding players who succeed in both their academic and sporting endeavours. At AUB, athletic scholarships are regarded as the greatest type of honour. Three exceptional players will receive the new President’s Athletic Scholarship and the Distinguished Athlete Scholarship each year, which will pay for their entire fees for up to four years of college or graduate education at AUB. 

According to Nayla Al-Akl, Dean of Student Affairs at AUB, these two sports scholarships were created to assist the best athletes attend AUB and advance both intellectually and athletically. At AUB, they will be able to hone their abilities, discover their talents, follow their interests, create a memorable life path, and become a permanent member of a community. 

All elite competitors in solo or team sports, both domestically and abroad, must apply for these merit-based sporting scholarships. Participation in sports is essential to our university’s culture and helps us further our educational goals. AUB is eager to welcome the new competitors and to develop a burgeoning student population with a variety of talents and skills. 

Hopefully,  youthful athletes at AUB will have the chance to follow their interests and have an enriching educational experience.