By Mariam Dandachli | Staff Writer


Where have the USFCs and SRCs Reached in Implementing Their Promises?

It has been 3 months since the annual AUB elections have taken place. During those weeks, candidates promise students to help address concerns and act if they’re elected. But where have the elected USFCs and SRCs reached in keeping their promises?

I talked to 2 USFCs Joseph Soueidy, Vice President and Chair of the Bylaws Committee, and Thalia Kattoura, member of the Steering Committee and SRC Acil Missaykeh. USFC and SRC meetings take place biweekly with the USFC meetings being in the presence of Dr. Fadlo Khouri, Dean Nayla Al-Akl, Dr. Rasha Abu El Hassan, and faculty representatives. At every meeting, 3 to 4 proposals are presented by a USFC, and it is discussed within the meeting. Some of the proposals that have been proposed so far are creating a club portal, reintroducing the Steering Committee, having a representative in the Extended Cabinet of Associate Deans, and opening Jaffet and other study areas 24/7. After a short presentation by a student, the student council asks questions and discusses it and if no concerns appear, it can be voted on.

One of the proposals that has been accepted and is waiting to be implemented is the establishment of more internship opportunities, especially for MSFEA students. Thus, internship fairs and opportunities by alumni and the advisory board will be given. Thalia said, “This is something that we’re all really excited about.”

To be transparent with students and to give students a glimpse of what happens in the meetings, the meeting minutes – which include the attendees, the proposals discussed and the number of votes, and other matters – are posted on the USFC official page under the page of the Office of Student Affairs. Moreover, a summary of the proposals of every meeting is posted on the USFC page on Instagram. If any student wants to contact any USFC and propose an idea, they can reach out through email (,  Instagram dm, or personally contact any member. Another alternative would be to get in touch with your faculty’s SRC who would raise your concerns to the USFCs.

Though during elections, people are with different groups, such as with Secular or CSH, after the elections all barriers are broken down. Thalia said that the members always cooperate and “communication is always formal and respectful.” Joseph added, “We have a very nice team this year.” And when asked if there are any problems that they face, both SRCs and USFCs said that the communication is good between members and the administration.