By Rana Bou Saleh | Staff Writer

Throughout the past few years, we have not only witnessed the Covid-19 pandemic, but also a catastrophic economic crisis in Lebanon. Whether it is because you had to be quarantined away from your significant other, or one of you had to leave the country to find a better job because of the crashing economy –  the chances of having to deal with long-distance relationships have drastically increased. Here is what you need to know about long-distance relationships and (if you are already in one) some tips on maintaining them.

Before Committing to a Long-Distance Relationship

Although getting into a long-distance relationship is always a possibility, it is crucial to know that it is not a walk in the park. It might become challenging to be with someone who is not physically around you. So, before you commit to a long-distance relationship, you need to consider whether this relationship is worth it or not – that is, whether you are ready for a long-distance relationship and are comfortable with it. There is also a difference between being already in a relationship, then having to deal with long-distance, and starting a long-distance relationship from the very beginning. Either way, all parties involved in the long-distance relationship need to be comfortable with the situation.

Once you have decided to commit to a long-distance relationship, it can feel both overwhelming and frustrating. It is normal not to know how to deal with it at first as it might be difficult to adapt to all the changes that accompany the shift to a long-distance relationship. 

Below are some tips that can help.

Tips to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work

  • Communication is key. Make sure to let your partner know how you feel about the situation. Check up on each other regularly and share with them your accomplishments and goals. That does not necessarily mean spamming each other with text messages and calls, but do try to communicate on a regular basis to keep the relationship alive. This includes video calls, phone calls, text messages, and any other communication preference that you might have.
  • Do things together even when apart. You can decide to watch the same series or movie. Go to the park and video call your significant other. Do online quizzes and games and share your results. Just because you are apart does not mean you cannot have fun together.
  • Technology is your best friend. There are a lot of new apps that can help you maintain your relationship like shared journal apps (Twig, Couplet), streaming apps (KAST, RAVE) which are helpful for streaming the same videos, movies, and music in real-time, long-distance gifting apps (KOYA) and so many other apps that can help you keep your relationship going. 
  • Set specific dates to see each other in person. Having plans to see each other in person can help you stay positive and optimistic about your relationship. You will have something to look forward to.
  • Set an End-Date. While the situation can be out of your control, long-distance relationships won’t last forever. It is preferable to have a clear idea of when you two might be reunited. This part might not be possible for everyone. It is important, though,  to check up on the status of your relationship every now and then, to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Remember that long-distance relationships might not be suitable for everyone, what works in one situation might not work in another. If the long-distance relationship does not work for you, it is still okay! Always remember that every relationship is different. Do what suits you best!