+9613414178 sh41@aub.edu.lb

Journal Articles

“Understanding revolutions: About the trilogy of Azmi Bishara”. International Sociology Reviews. Vol. 38(2) 182–193. (2023)

"أن تكون رئيس تحرير مجلة لمدة 15 سنة". مجلة إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 59-60، شتاء-ربيع 2023

"مسار بحث: العيش مع أنظمةٍ معرفيةٍ مختلفةٍ: شهادة ذاتية". إنسانيات عدد 96 ، نيسان-حزيران  2222 . صص:61 -67

“Connection Sociology to Moral Philosophy in the Post-Secularity Framework”. Mauss international. Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2021. https://www.cairn-int.info/journal-mauss-international-2021-1-page-250.htm. Draft version: https://sites.aub.edu.lb/sarihanafi/files/2019/10/2021_Moral_philo_MAUSS_pre_print.pdf

" الإنتاج الفلسفي في الفكر العربي المعاصر في أطروحات ناصيف نصار". مراجعة لكتاب عبد الواحد آيت الزين. مجلة قلمون. عدد 17. 2021. صص 341-348. https://www.harmoon.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%81%D9%8A.pdf


Review of  Religion, Modernity, Globalisation: Nation-State to Market (Gauthier, François. 2020, Routledge). International Sociology Reviews. Vol. 36(2) 314–324. Pre-print version: https://sites.aub.edu.lb/sarihanafi/files/2019/10/2021_Gauthier_pre-print.pdf

Giuseppe Ricotta, Sari Hanafi, Manuela  Boatcã, Monica Massari, Vincenza Pellegrino, Allegretti Giovanni, Boaventura  de Sousa Santos, The end of the cognitive empire. The coming of age of epistemologies of the South. A roundtable on and with Boaventura de Sousa Santos, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia. Rivista trimestrale fondata da Camillo Pellizzi. Fascicolo 1, gennaio-marzo. pp. 219-260. (https://www.rivisteweb.it/issn/0486-0349/issue/8208)

Review of Lifeworlds of Islam: The Pragmatics of a Religion (by Mohammed A. Bamyeh. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). Contemporary Arab Affairs. March 2021. Pp. 137-144.

"في ذكرى علي الكنز"  افتتاحية العددان 51-52، شتاء – ربيع 2021 . مجلة إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع.

مراجعة لكتاب محمد بامية، "ميادين حياة الاسلام: برغماتيات دين" . مجلة قلمون

“Pós-colonialismo versus pós-autoritarismo: o mundo árabe e a América Latina em uma perspectiva comparative”. Sociedade e Estado. vol.33 no.2 Brasília May/Aug. 2018. Pp. 511- 529. 2018. (Link)

«Research policy in Arab countries. International cooperation, competitive calls, and career incentives», in R. Arvanitis,  and O'Brien, David (Eds.) The Transformation of Research in the South. Policies and outcomes.

“Gulf Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Facts, Debates and Fatwas”Sociology of Islam. 5 (2017). Pp. 112-137. 2017.

“Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: a critical assessment”Sociologies in Dialogue. v. 2, n. 1, p. 16-30, jan.-jun. 2016.

Bamyeh* and S. Hanafi. “Introduction to the special issue on Arab uprisings”International Sociology. 30 (4): pp. 343-347. 2015.

N AlMaghlouth, R Arvanitis, J-P Cointet and S Hanafi* “Who frames the debate on the Arab Uprisings? Analysis of Arabic, English and French Academic Scholarship”International Sociology (30:4). 2015.

أغواءات التصنيف الأكاديمي للجامعات العربية ووهمها". إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 31-32. (2015)

"القلم والسيف: الهامش الضَّيِّق في الحريات الأكاديمية ". إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 29-30.

“Palestinian Businessmen in the Diaspora: Economic activities & investments in Palestinian territories” in Forum (Newsletter of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran & Turkey), Cairo, Vol. III, n° 2, June 1998. (in Arabic and English)

“Return: a sacred cow or dialogue”, Palestine Report, Jerusalem: JMCC, 21 November 2001.

Review of François Burgat (2016) “Comprendre l’islam politique. Une trajectoire de recherche sur l’altérité islamiste, 1973-2016”.
In French: Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM). Vol 145.
In Arabic: al-Mustaqbal al-Arabie. no 463.
فهم الإسلام السياسي. مسار بحث حول الآخر المسلم، 1973-2016” فرانسوا بورغا. المستقبل العربي. عدد 463.

in English:  Contemporary Arab Affairs, 10:4, 623-626.

S Hanafi, A Knudsen, and R Flahive. “Trial of the Status Quo: The Politics of Mediated Justice in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon”. Arab Studies Journal. Vol. XXIV No. 1.

س. حنفي، أ. كنودسن و ر. فلاهيف. “عدالة مؤطرة: سياسات الإعلام اللبنانية تجاه المحكمة الخاصة في لبنان“. المجلة العربية للعلوم السياسية. عدد 45-46.


  1. Hanafi and Rigas Arvanitis. Arab research and knowledge society: a new critical perspective. Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi(Arab Future. Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies. 2015. (in Arabic)

“الافتتاحية: الأخطاء الشائعة في كتابة مقالات البحث الاجتماعي”. إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 26-27.

“Complex Entanglements: Moving from Policy to Public Sociology in the Arab World”Current Sociology. A special issue under the title Precarious Engagements: Tackling the Dilemmas of Public Sociology. Vol XX(X) 724-42. 2014.

  1. Knudsen* & S. Hanafi “Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL): Impartial or Imposed International Justice?”Nordic Journal of Human Rights. (31:2) pp. 176-200. 2013.

“المعرفة والسلطة: المعرفة المرئية وغير المرئية”. إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 20-21.

“Writing sociology in the Arab world: knowledge production through Idafat, The Arab Journal of Sociology”. Contemporary Arab Affairs. V 6:2. Pp. 23-43. 2013.

“المعرفة والسلطة: المعرفة المرئية وغير المرئية”. إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 19. (2013)


“The Arab revolutions; the emergence of a new political subjectivity”Contemporary Arab Affairs, 5:2, p. 213-198. 2012.

“Flexible Citizenship and the Inflexible Nation-State: New Framework for Appraising the Palestinian Refugees’ Movements”. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Volume 13, Issue 4 (2012), Page 441-458. 2012.

“University Systems in the Arab East: Publish Globally and Perish Locally Vs. Publish Locally and Perish Globally”Current Sociology. Vol 59, no 3, pp. 291 – 309. 2011. 

In French: Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM) 131, (2012) pp. 23-44. 2011. (Link)

Ismael Sheikh Hassan and S. Hanafi “(In)-Security and the Post-War Scene in Nahr el Bared Refugee Camp”. Journal of Palestine Studies. Vol. XL, No. 1 (Autumn 2010). Washington: Institute of Palestine Studies. pp. 27-48. 2010.

T Long and S Hanafi. ‘Human (in)security: Palestinian perceptions of security in and around the refugee camps in Lebanon’, Conflict, Security & Development. 5:10, p. 673-692. 2010.

“Palestinian Civil and Socio-Economic Rights in Lebanon: the Campaign and the Counter-campaign”. Majallat al-Dirasat al-Falastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies). Beirut: Institute of Palestine Studies. Issue 83. Summer 2010. Pp. 30-43. 2010. (in Arabic)

Hanafiand T Long ‘Governance, Governmentalities, and the State of Exception in the Palestinian Refugee Camps of Lebanon’. Oxford Refugee StudiesPp. 34-60. In French: (2012) in M. Kamel Dorai and Nicolas Puig (Eds.)L’urbanité des marges, Migrants et réfugiés dans les villes du Proche-Orient. Paris : Téraèdres Edition. 2010.

Flexible Citizenship and the Inflexible Nation-State: New Framework for Appraising the Palestinian Refugees’ Movements]. Idafat: Arab Journal of Sociology. Issue 10. Pp. 29-56. 2010. (in Arabic)

‘Framing Arab socio-political space: state governmentality, governance and non-institutional protestation’. Contemporary Arab Affairs. LondonRoutledge. Vol. 3, No. 2. Pp. 148–162. 2010.

“Haifa and its Refugees: The Remembered, the Forgotten and the Repressed”. Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 3(1): 176-191.
In Arabic: chapter in Atef Atiyyeh and Maha Kayyal (Eds.) Cultural Observatory and politics of Museum. Pp. 239-260.
In German: “Exodus und Exil: Persönliche Geschichten”. In Israel and Palestine – Journal for Dialogue. July 2009. (Link)
Early version: “Exodus and Exile: People’s Own Stories”.  Méditerranéennes/Mediterraneans.Spring 2010. N°14. Pp. 130-139.   2009.

Ph Misselwitz and S Hanafi ‘Testing a New Paradigm: UNRWA’s Camp Improvement Programme’.  Refugee Survey QuarterlyNumber 2-3/2009. Pp. 360-388. 2010.

“Human Rights Watch and the Risk of Postmodern Non-politics”. Al-Mustaqbal al-Arabi (مجلة المستقبل العربي). Beirut: Center of Arab Unity Studies. No 370 (12-2009) Pp. 37-57. (in Arabic) (Early version in English) Patrick McGreevy (Ed.) Proceedings I: America in the Middle East/The Middle East in America. AUB. 2009.

S Hanafi and I. Sheikh Hassan. “Constructing and Governing Nahr el-Bared Camp. A ‘Ideal’ Model of Exclusion”. Majallat al-Dirasat al-Falastiniyya (Journal of Palestine Studies). Beirut: Institute of Palestine Studies. Issue 78. Pp. 39-52. (Arabic)          

“Cultural Difference or Cultural Hegemony? Contextualizing the Danish Cartoon Controversy within Migration Spaces”. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. II (1), pp. 136-152(17) Publisher: Brill. 
In Arabic: (2010) in Majalat al-ulum al-ijtimaiyya (Journal of Social Sciences). Kuwait University.
In German: “Kulturelle Differenz oder kulturelle Hegemonie?” (Cultural Differences or Cultural Hegemony?). 
Polylog. Zeitschrift Für Interkulturelles Philosophieren. Wien (Austria): Institute of Philosophy. No 17, pp. 25-39.
Early version was published in 2010. “Culture and Politics: the Danish Cartoon Controversy within Migration and colonial Spaces”. Cédric Audebert and Mohamed Kamel Dorai (eds.) 
Migration in a Globalized World. Amsterdam University Press. Pp. 63-78. 2009.

‘Spacio-cide. Colonial Politics, Invisibility and Rezoning in Palestinian territory.’ Contemporary Arab Affairs. London: Routledge, II (1), p. 106-121. 2009.
In Arabic: al-mustaqbal al-arabi (Arab Future), no 360, Feb.  2009. Pp. 67-84.
In German: (forthcoming) (shorter version). Israel und Palästina. Berlin: Wochenschau Verlag.
Earlier version: (2005) “Spacio-cide and bio-politics: Israeli colonial project. From 1947 to the Wall”.  Michael Sorkin (Ed.) Against the Wall. Israel’s Barrier to Peace. New York: The New Press.
Earlier version: “Spacio-cide and bio-politics: Israeli colonial project. From 1947 to the Wall”. Naqd. Revue d’Etudes et de Critique Sociale. No 21, Fall 2005, Alger. (in Arabic)
A shorter version: (2006) “Spacio-cide” in Philipp Misselwitz and Tim Rieniets (Eds.) City of Collision. Jerusalem and the Principles of Conflict Urbanism. Birkhäuser- Publishers for Architecture, pp. 93-101.
A shorter version: (2006) “Spacio-cide and bio-politics: Israeli colonial project. From 1947 to the Wall” Al Adab. No. 54 #10-11-12/2006. Beirut: Dar Al Adab. pp. 53-61. (in Arabic)

“Classification system of publication of the social science and promotion system in the elite universities.” Idafat: The Arab Journal of Sociology. Issue 7, pp. 4-9. 2008. (in Arabic)

Hanafi and Åge A. Tiltnes “The Employability of Palestinian Professionals in Lebanon: Constraints and Transgression”. Knowledge, Work and SocietyV (1). Paris: Harmattan. Pp. 127-150. In Arabic: Journal of Palestine Studies, Winter 2009; issue 77. 2008.

“Introduction: Social Sciences between the Local and the Global”. Idafat: the Arab Journal of Sociology. Vol I-3-4. Summer and Fall. Pp. 4-5. 2008.

“Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camps in Lebanon As a Space of Exception”. Asylon. Numéro 5, Sept. Paris : online Journal. 2008. (Link)

“Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camps in Lebanon As a Space of Exception”. Asylon. Numéro 5, Sept. Paris : online Journal. 2008. (Link)

“Réfugiés palestiniens, citoyenneté et État-nation”. Hommes & Migrations. Special issue : Mondialisation et migrations Internationales. Issue no 1272. March- April 2008.
More developed version (2012) : “ Citoyenneté flexible et inflexibilité des Étatsnations. Propositions pour un nouveau cadre d’analyse du retour des réfugiés palestiniens”. J. Husseini & Aud Signole (Eds.)  Les Palestiniens entre Etat et diaspora. Le temps des incertitudes. Paris : Karthala. Pp. 149-178. 2008.

“Vivre dans le camp, vivre ailleurs : Les Palestiniens réfugiés en Egypte et dans les Territoires palestiniens”Géographies. Bulletin de l’Association des Géographes FrançaisAssociation de Géographes Français. Vol. 83, Nº. 1, Paris, pp. 76-92. 2006.

“Penser les Palestiniens de l’extérieur comme diaspora”. De l’Autre Côté. Paris : La fabrique. pp. 42-56. 2006. Reshaping geography: Palestinian community networks in Europe and the new media”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. V31 (3), p581(18).
In French : ‘Réseaux de la communauté palestinienne d’Europe et impact des nouvelles technologies’. Hommes et Migrations. Numéro 1253 – Janvier Février. 2005.

Hanafi and Linda Tabar, “Les ONG Palestiniennes et la Palestine” inOutre-Terre- Revue Française de Géographie (Numéro 13 Revue trimestrielle), Paris : Université de Marne-la-Vallée. 2005.

Hanafi and Linda Tabar, “The New Palestinian Globalized Elite”. Jerusalem Quarterly. Summer, no 24. In Arabic: (2006) Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyah (Arabic Quarterly of the Journal of Palestine Studies). Beirut :Institutefor Palestine Studies. No 67, Summer, pp.73-95. 2005.

“Civil Society in North-South Relations. The Case of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership”. ORIENT, (Vol.46, No.3), Germany, 414-428. 2005.

Hanafi and Linda Tabar, “Le rôle des ONG pendant le deuxième intifada” inConfluences Méditerranée. Paris : l’Harmattan. pp. 41-54. 2005.

“Being in Camp, Being Outside. Palestinian Refugees in Egypt and Palestinian Territories”. pp. 83-96. Kolor. Journal on Moving Communities. Vol. 5:1. May. Brussels: Foyer and IMMRC. 2005.

‘Spatio-cide, réfugiés, crise de l’Etat-Nation. Vers un Etat palestinien Extraterritorialisé “, in Multitudes. No 18, Fall. Paris. 2004.

“The Role of the NGOs: Scream if You Want to be Heard” in Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, vol. 11, no 2. pp. 25-31. 2004.

“Rethinking the Palestinians Abroad as a Diaspora: The Relationships Between the Diaspora and the Palestinian Territories”. International Social Science Review (HAGAR), Volume 4 :1-2. 2003.

“L’impact du Capital Social sur le Processus de Rapatriement des Réfugiés. Une étude préliminaire des réseaux économiques et sociaux de parenté en Palestine et en Israël”, in Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales. Poitiers (France): CNRS. Vol. 19: 3. 2003. (Link)

Hanafi and Linda Tabar, ‘The Intifada and the Aid Industry. The Impact of the New Liberal Agenda on the Palestinian NGOs’ inComparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle EastChicago University Press. 2003.

Hanafi and Linda Tabar, “Palestinian HROs: Agenda and Paraxis”, Palestine Israel Journal. Jerusalem. 2003.

“La Diaspora palestinienne et la conversion des capitaux issus de la rente pétrolière” Tiers Monde, Paris, 2001, no 163, p. 623-643. 2001.

“The Education of Engineers in Syria”, in International Higher Education, The Boston College Center for International Higher Education, no 18, Winter. 2000.

“Mosahamat al-shatat al-falastini di al-istithmarat wa al-musa’adat al’insaniyya fi falastin (Palestinian Diaspora Contribution to Investment and Philanthropy in Palestine”, Majalet al Dirassat Al Falastiniyya, no 40, December 1999. (in Arabic)

“Insertion économique et marginalité sociale des Palestiniens aux Emirats arabes”, Les cahiers de l’Orient, Paris: CERPO, n 55, 3eme trimestre, p.133-145. 1999.

“Contribution de la diaspora palestinienne à l’économie des Territoires : investissement et philanthropie”, in Maghreb-Machrek, no 161 novembre 1998.) In English: Link.

“The Ideological Positions of Engineers in Syria” in International Sociology, London, Sage December 1997, Vol 12(4) p.457-473. 1997.

‘La mise en cause conjoncturelle de l’Occident dans les discours des ingénieurs syriens et égyptiens’ , in Egypte- Monde arabe, Cairo: CEDEJ, no 30-31 2e & 3e trim. 1997. (Link)

“‘Al falastiniyyen fi soria wa ‘amaliyyet al-salam” (The Palestinian refugees in Syria and the peace process)” in Al Dirassat al Falastiniyya (Journal of Palestinian Studies), Beyrouth: Institute for Palestine Studies, n° 28, Autumn, pp. 85-103. 1996. (in Arabic)

(with Olivier Sanmartin) “Histoires de Frontières : les Palestiniens du Nord-Sinaï” in Maghreb-Machrek, Paris, La Documentation française, n° 151 janvier-mars 1996.

“Ingénieurs et ouverture économique en Syrie et en Egypte. Un groupe professionnel en quête d’identité”, in Tiers-Monde, Paris, n° 143, July- September 1995.

“Le secteur privé industriel en Syrie” in Cahiers de l’IRMAC, Lyon, Institut de Recherches sur le Monde Arabe Contemporain, n° 3. 1994.

معرفة مُنْتَجة ولكن غير منْتِجة”. إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد40. ص4-15. 2017

نحن ننطق بالحق!” المعرفة والسياسة في خطب صلاة الجمعة في لبنان. مجلة عمران. عدد 22. ص 7-34. 2017. الرابط

التجديد الإسلامي من الداخل: تكوينات جديدة”. إضافات- المجلة العربية لعلم الاجتماع. عدد 38-39. ص.26-49. 2017. الرابط

“أسلمة وتأصيل العلوم الاجتماعية: دراسة في بعض الإشكاليات”. المستقبل العربي. عدد 451. أيلول. ص. 45-64. 2016

س. حنفي، أ. كنودسن و ر. فلاهيف. “عدالة مؤطرة: سياسات الإعلام اللبنانية تجاه المحكمة الخاصة في لبنان”. المجلة العربية للعلوم السياسية. عدد 45-46. ص. 89-108. 2016

ساري حنفي، “إغواءات التصنيف الأكاديمي للجامعات العربية ووهمها”، مجلة إضافات، العددان 31-32، صيف-خريف 2015، ص 6-12

ساري حنفي، “القلم والسيف: الهامش الضَّيِّق في الحريات الأكاديمية “، مجلة إضافات، العددان 29-30، شتاء وربيع 2015.

ساري حنفي وريغاس أرفانيتس، البحث العربي ومجتمع المعرفة: رؤية نقدية جديدة – بيروت: مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، ٢٠١٥

‘Opening the Debate on the Right of Return’, Washington: Middle East Report, no 222, Spring. 2002.

ساري حنفي، الشرذمة إشكالية الأنشطة البحثية للأكاديميين في العلوم الاجتماعية في الوطن العربي، مجلة إضافات، العدد 28، 2014

ساري حنفي وريغاس أرفانيتيس، «كتابة مقالات الرأي في الصحف اللبنانية: سبات الحياة العامة للأكاديميين العرب،» عمران، العدد ٨) ٢٠١٤

“The Palestinian Community in the UAE:  Economic Incorporation and Social Exclusion” in Shaml Newsletter, Ramallah, No 12, July 1998. (in Arabic and English)

ساري حنفي، الحقوق المدنية للفلسطينيين في لبنان: الحملة والحملة المضادة، مجلة الدراسات الفلسطينية، مجلد 21 عدد 83، ص 30. 2010

Articles in Non-Refereed Journals

المعيارية في دراسات الهجرة: أخلاقيات وجماعة أكاديمية إبستمية”. مركز نهوض للدراسات والنشر. 2018.  الرابط

“L’image de l’Autre: colloque de l’Association arabe de Sociologie”, in Maghreb-Machrek, Paris, La Documentation française, n° 140, April-June 1998. (With E. Longuenesse)

“Normativity of Migration Studies: Ethics and Epistemic Community”. Website of Nouhoud Center for Studies and Publication. 2018. (Link)

Palestinian return migration Lessons from the International Refugee Regime. “Sedek: A Journal on the Ongoing Nakba. Issue number 3 edited by T. Gardi. Tel-Aviv: Zochrot, Parrhesia, Pardes, pp. 22-31. 2008. (in Hebrew) (with Hossein Shahidi) “In Defence of Enlightenment”. Cornerstone. Bethlehem: Sabeel. 2006.

“Palestina. Fara dreptul de intoarcere nu exista solutie” lumeam. Romania. 2005.

“Targeting space by the bio-politics: The Israeli colonial project”, Palestine Report, Jerusalem: JMCC. 2004.

Hanafi and Linda Tabar, “NGOs, Elite Formation and the Second Intifada”, Between the Line, Jerusalem, October 2002, Vol. II #18. 2002.

“Riconsiderare i Palestinesi all’estero come oggetto di diaspora”, Nuove EffemeridiRassegna trimestrale di cultura, Palermo (Italy), no 53, XIV, 2001/I. 2002.

“A Moral Victory in Durban”, Palestine Report, Jerusalem: JMCC, 10 September, Vol. 8:14. 2001.