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Our top picks

Impact of Technology on Financial Markets

Impact of Technology on Financial Markets

By Yacoub Haddad | Staff Writer
With the rise of alternative cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance, the world saw a tremendous shift in the way people invest, save, and trade. This shift has shown to have several implications, with some being more ubiquitous than what meets the eye.

Ithaca: An AI Odyssey

Ithaca: An AI Odyssey

By Hussameddine Al Attar | Staff Writer
While we have historians to thank for reconstructing and interpreting ancient texts, their job becomes increasingly difficult when the material on which the inscriptions are made is damaged to the point of near illegibility. When modern dating methods fail, Ithaca, a neural network designed to date ancient artifacts, steps in.

Buying the Sun: A Lebanese Dilemma

Buying the Sun: A Lebanese Dilemma

Claritta Khoury | Staff Writer
As Lebanon’s electricity crisis deepens, a rapidly increasing number of people turn to generating power from the sun with the use of solar panels. While most people think this is the ultimate solution, its popularity came with the improper installation of solar panels. This poses more of a hazard than a solution to Lebanon’s worsening electricity crisis.