Get inspired by some of Outlook’s most unique voices as they investigate and break down today’s most controversial and pressing issues through their own perspectives.

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Is It Ethical to Treat Individuals on the Street as Public Property?

Is It Ethical to Treat Individuals on the Street as Public Property?

I recently started photography and I have been afraid of taking pictures of people. What if it breaks Title IX? I want to graduate. I may be afraid of taking the pictures but do AUB students feel street photography is intrusive on their part? Do they dislike getting pictures taken? If they don’t mind, can I just take pictures without asking them? Is all street photography paparazzi style?

يمني في الجامعة الأمريكية

يمني في الجامعة الأمريكية

كاتب | زكريا الشهاري

لم يتغير حال لهجتي ونطقي للأحرف كثيرًا بعد مرور أربعة أعوام ونصف هنا في بيروت وفي الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت، لا يزال من السهل معرفة أني لست من لبنان عند نطقي لأول حرفين سواء كان ذلك باللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية، ولكن الذي تغير في هذه الأشهر الأخيرة هي ردات الفعل عندما أجيب عن السؤال ب”أنا من اليمن”.

Unveiling the Blizzard of Brilliance:  Why ‘Society of the Snow’ Deserves an Oscar

Unveiling the Blizzard of Brilliance: Why ‘Society of the Snow’ Deserves an Oscar

A collaboration between: Zainab Saad – English Executive Editor; Mohammad Ali Al-Hasan – Junior Editor; Alissar Izrafeel – Staff Writer
“What happens when the world abandons you? When you have no clothes and you’re freezing? When you have no food and you’re dying? The movie utilizing those three main angles of production, becomes the first of its kind to depict the original story in the most realistic way. Therefore, it deserves the Oscar it was nominated for, which perfectly praises the immense efforts put into this work.