Explore the inner workings of the Lebanese state and society in how both function under the current economic collapse, international pressure and, at times, sectarian divides. Get the latest on all the recent happenings locally with the concise and impartial detail of Outlook’s student journalists.

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Lebanon’s Failure in Education

Lebanon’s Failure in Education

By Tala Youssef | Staff Writer

For a long time, Lebanon was reputable for forming a highly competent workforce through its education. The economic meltdown has, however, revealed the system’s weaknesses.

“Scream 6” Banned in Lebanon Over LGBTQ+ Characters, What’s Next?

“Scream 6” Banned in Lebanon Over LGBTQ+ Characters, What’s Next?

By Taleen El Gharib | Local News Junior Editor

News of “Scream 6” being banned in Lebanon over its inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters sparked outrage on social media, but this is not Lebanon’s first crackdown on same-sex depictions on the big screen. As producers push more towards inclusivity and LGBTQ+ representation, what could this mean for the future of film in Lebanon?

Brutality Against Migrating Storks in Akkar

Brutality Against Migrating Storks in Akkar

By Mark Zoarob | Staff Writer

As images and videos of men from Akkar shooting at storks flying at low altitudes began circulating online, an investigation into the illegal slaughter of migratory birds in Akkar was initiated.