Explore the inner workings of the Lebanese state and society in how both function under the current economic collapse, international pressure and, at times, sectarian divides. Get the latest on all the recent happenings locally with the concise and impartial detail of Outlook’s student journalists.

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الشام الجديد: تحالف اقتصادي قد يغير وجه المنطقة

الشام الجديد: تحالف اقتصادي قد يغير وجه المنطقة

 نزار بو كروم | كاتب صحفي

في آذار/مارس عام 2014 أصدر البنك الدولي تقريرا فند فيه إمكانيات دول المشرق العربي الاقتصادية والبشرية موضحا أهمية التكامل والتعاون بينها لتشكيل قوة اقتصادية على مستوى المنطقة والعالم. أطلق على هذا المشروع الواعد اسم الشام الجديد.

Ukraine and the forgotten Budapest Memorandum

Ukraine and the forgotten Budapest Memorandum

Raghad El Ghali | Junior Editor

With Russia starting a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine right after the conclusion of the 2022 Beijing Olympics and Ukraine declaring a state of emergency, it is essential to understand the history of Ukraine to understand why this is all happening, and why it could be the trigger for a third World War.

A Sign of Hope: Lebanon’s Electoral Dates

A Sign of Hope: Lebanon’s Electoral Dates

By Lynn Bou Daher | Staff Writer

For more than 30 years, we have been hearing the same names being elected. In fact, the Lebanese people were divided into two camps: those who vote for their party every election, and those who simply decide not to vote, either because they live abroad or because they don’t believe their contribution will make a change. 


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