Explore the inner workings of the Lebanese state and society in how both function under the current economic collapse, international pressure and, at times, sectarian divides. Get the latest on all the recent happenings locally with the concise and impartial detail of Outlook’s student journalists.

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Interviewing Ziad Hawat

Interviewing Ziad Hawat

By Jose Makary | Staff Writer
Interviewing youngest mayor in Jbeil district and MP Ziad Hawat regarding his views on the current political situation, the presidential elections, and more.

Lebanon Denied Of A Future And Its Own Past: NNA’s Photo Archives Stolen

Lebanon Denied Of A Future And Its Own Past: NNA’s Photo Archives Stolen

By Taleen El Gharib | Junior Editor of Local News

As the grueling crisis continues to deny citizens of their right to a future, the recent theft of the archives from the state-run media agency represents a crime against the country’s own past. The lack of attention given to Lebanon’s archives permits the erasure of important historical data, which poses a major problem considering the already-existing gaps in Lebanon’s history.