Outlook is a weekly publication of the American University of Beirut (AUB). It is an independent, non-affiliated publication that favors no ethnic, religious or political group. All commons, articles and reports are the…

Our top picks

The Soundtrack to Wellness: How Music Affects Your Well-being

Hadil Izrafil | Staff Writer We should all be aware of the power of music. A tune can get stuck in our heads for days, a song’s lyrics can bring us to tears, and an energetic anthem can pump us up for a workout. Music has been a constant companion throughout history,...

A Guide to the Perfect Pre-Exam All-Nighter

Magda El Dada | Staff Writer Though we hate to admit it, we’ve all had to sacrifice our sleep – and sanity – for the sake of an exam. We say it’s going to be different this time, that we’re going to study well beforehand and ration our time, but that all-nighter...