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Morocco and Spain: the end of an era of troubled relations?

Morocco and Spain: the end of an era of troubled relations?

By Laia Serrano i Sorroca | Staff Writer

Only the Strait of Gibraltar and two fences – one in Ceuta and the other in Melilla – separate the territories of Spain and Morocco. Yet, the Heads of Government of both countries had not participated in a bilateral meeting in the last eight years. However, this pattern was finally interrupted last February, when the two executives sat down at the same table to discuss highly sensitive issues for them such as migration and the Western Sahara.

Britain to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium ammunition

Britain to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium ammunition

By Mohamad Hojeije | Staff Writer

On an ever escalating conflict, the British government announced a week ago that it would supply Britain with ammunition made with depleted uranium. These are denser, have more momentum, and can piece through tanks. Putin promised to respond

Instability in Iraq, 20 Years After the U.S.-Led Invasion

Instability in Iraq, 20 Years After the U.S.-Led Invasion

By Tala Youssef | Staff Writer

People lightly and commonly claim that Iraq was better off, in terms of stability, under the reign of authoritarian Saddam. 20 years after the invasion, the long-term effects still reverberate in the war-scarred nation.