Our top picks
Witchcraft and Feminism: Was Burning the Witches an Act of Sexism?
By Rana Bou Saleh | Staff Writer
We need to ensure that this kind of official and governmental mass murder, justified by witchcraft or any other accusations that the patriarchy deems as a crime, does not happen again.
Bountiful Breasts: The Plentiful Forms of Boobs
By Dunia Fakih | Staff Writer
Boobs come in many different shapes, colors, sizes, and even directions, but this doesn’t mean that they’re any less perfect; all boobs deserve love.
Benevolent Sexism: The Undercover Agent
By Rana Bou Saleh | Staff Writer
How many times have we, as women, come across a moment where an action appears to be sexist, but not in the simple and direct way that we are used to?
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