Explore and understand Gender, Sexuality, and Relationships by shedding light on the most pressing issues we face today – with a special focus on reducing stigma and increasing acceptance.

Our top picks

Long-Distance Relationships and Tips For Maintaining Them

Long-Distance Relationships and Tips For Maintaining Them

By Rana Bou Saleh | Staff Writer

Throughout the past few years, we have not only witnessed the Covid-19 pandemic, but also a catastrophic economic crisis in Lebanon. Whether it is because you had to be quarantined away from your significant other, or one of you had to leave the country to find a better job because of the crashing economy –  the chances of having to deal with long-distance relationships have drastically increased.

Feminism 101: 10 Misconceptions About Feminism

Feminism 101: 10 Misconceptions About Feminism

Rana Bou Saleh | Staff Writer

It is reasonable to reconsider a faulty perspective of feminism. Rejecting a concept because we simply choose to mis define it says more about us than about the concept itself.


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