Explore and understand Gender, Sexuality, and Relationships by shedding light on the most pressing issues we face today – with a special focus on reducing stigma and increasing acceptance.

Our top picks

Love, Heartbreak, and Earthquakes

Love, Heartbreak, and Earthquakes

By Layal Al Challah | Staff Writer
“Disasters surprisingly tend to bring us together. This is how the recent earthquake sparked love and care from all over the world.

The “I Love You” Languages: Lebanese Edition

The “I Love You” Languages: Lebanese Edition

By Dima Haidar | Staff Writer

This article lists the five commonly known types of love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. It will also discuss the places or ideas of places and things a person can do with their partner this Valentine’s Day in Lebanon. This article will also take a slight but fun turn; it will/might include other types of love languages that are either funny or specific in a certain way (for example, coffee lovers, book readers, and so on). Finally, the article takes the form of a 2 / 3 category split, such as “ budget-friendly”, “friendly,” and “not-so-friendly”.