Apr 3, 2022 | Featured, Opinions
By Lea Bdeir | Staff Writer I lived most of my life in one place – the inside of my head. I was so hung up on the past, the random moments, overthinking and analyzing. I reached university still trapped within the walls of my mind – a wandering soul...
Mar 14, 2022 | Opinions, Sports
By Nour Kaddoura | Contributing Writer How many times have you heard the phrase “don’t throw like a girl?” Most probably, more times than you can count. That’s only one of many sexist, worn out taunts used to associate girls with being “bad” at sports. As someone who...
Mar 13, 2022 | Featured, Opinions
بكر حلاوي | كاتب صحفي تأخذ الحرب الروسيّة – الأوكرانيّة الحيّز الأكبر من الاهتمام الدولي حالياً، ولكن هـذا الحدث لن يوقف التطور الإيجابي بين الأطراف كافة في المفاوضات النووية الإيرانية التي كانت بعيدة أيام قليلة عن اختتامها حسب التصريحات الغربية قبل اندلاع الحرب. هذه...
Mar 13, 2022 | Human and Society, Opinions
Conventional wisdom instructs not to underestimate one’s enemy. Countless military disasters, including the US wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, can attest to that. However, one must realise that overestimating the enemy could be just as fatal, if not outright more...