الشام الجديد: تحالف اقتصادي قد يغير وجه المنطقة

الشام الجديد: تحالف اقتصادي قد يغير وجه المنطقة

 نزار بو كروم | كاتب صحفي في آذار/مارس عام 2014 أصدر البنك الدولي تقريرا فند فيه إمكانيات دول المشرق العربي الاقتصادية والبشرية موضحا أهمية التكامل والتعاون بينها لتشكيل قوة اقتصادية على مستوى المنطقة والعالم. أطلق على هذا المشروع الواعد اسم الشام الجديد. بعدها بست...
Ukraine and the forgotten Budapest Memorandum

Ukraine and the forgotten Budapest Memorandum

Raghad El Ghali | Junior Editor With Russia starting a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine right after the conclusion of the 2022 Beijing Olympics and Ukraine declaring a state of emergency, it is essential to understand the history of Ukraine to understand why...
A Sign of Hope: Lebanon’s Electoral Dates

A Sign of Hope: Lebanon’s Electoral Dates

By Lynn Bou Daher | Staff Writer For more than 30 years, we have been hearing the same names being elected. In fact, the Lebanese people were divided into two camps: those who vote for their party every election, and those who simply decide not to vote, either because...
History Repeats Itself: Tayouneh Street Violence and Clashes

History Repeats Itself: Tayouneh Street Violence and Clashes

By Vana Sekian | Staff Writer On October 14, 2021, the most violent sectarian battle since 2008 broke out on the streets of Beirut. The dismissal of Hezbollah’s appeal to remove the leading Judge in the post blast investigation, Tarek Bitar, triggered a series of...
101 on Port Blast Investigation

101 on Port Blast Investigation

By Abed Bsat | Staff Writer What is happening, How did it start and Where is it going? On August 4th 2020 at around 6pm, a fire broke out in one of Beirut’s port warehouses, sending plumes of smoke covering Beirut’s skyline. As a result of said fire, 2,750 tons of...